All about Ferns
Words that start with F
Math and Toys
Careers and Current Events
Black History Month

There are this many types of ferns

a)  under 100

b) over 10,500

c) Just one type

What is over 10,500 types?


This summertime shoe

What are flip flops?


Miss Katie has 12 of these dolls and will get 3 more for her birthday this year. She will have this many in total.

What is Katie will have 15 cabbage patch kids?


When dealing with customers, it is always best to remember that the customer is always ______

a) wrong

b) mean

c) right

What is right?  You always want to make the customer happy so that they will come back to shop at your store and you will have a good reputation.


First African American major league baseball player.

Who is Jackie Robinson?


All ferns have this in common

a) leaves

b) flowers

c) spores

What are spores?


Before there were IPhones and Androids, we had this type

What are flip phones?


Christian places this toy on the top of his staircase.  If his staircase has 14 stairs and it goes down 6 stairs, it will have this many more stairs to go down.

What is the SLINKY will have 8 more stairs to go down?


You have school Monday-Friday until 3pm and your boss puts you on schedule to work at 1pm on a Wednesday.  One way to fix this problem is this.  (there are a few, just name one)

What is talk with boss, try to swap hours with a coworker?


What most people call the famous speech that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave in 1963.

What is ¨I Have a Dream¨?


The name of these young fronds that are coiled up

What are fiddleheads?


One of the main ingredients in many baked goods

What is Flour?


This toy is able to draw at 4 inches a minute, it will draw this many inches in 10 minutes

What is the Etch a Sketch will draw 40 inches?


This amazing student in MIR 2  with her guinea pig Felix turns 18 this Friday!

Who is KAT??


The most famous conductor of the underground railroad and served as an armed scout for the Union Army

Who is Harriet Tubman?


True or False.  Ferns are multicellular

What is true?


A common cooking method for chicken, eggs, potatoes...

What is fry or fried?


If this toy needs to¨fed" 8 times a day and Jess and Erin agree to split the chore, we will each have to feed it this many times a day.

What is we will each feed the tamagachi 4 times each?
This state had a snowstorm that caused them to have no power, heat, water, burst water pipes and shortage on gas.

What is Texas?


She was arrested on December 1, 1955 for refusing to sit in the back of a bus.

Who is Rosa Parks?

Ferns are mostly dispersed by this means


a) wind

b) animals

c) water

What is wind?


Mushrooms are a  member of this Kingdom

a)  Familia

b) Frost

c) Fungi

What is fungi?


This toy is able to talk.  If it says 5 words every hour,  it speak this many words in 5 hours

What is Furby will say 25 words?


Your friend Sally works with you at Gamestop and refuses to ever put the games back in the right boxes.  One way you can tackle this problem is this,

What is talk with friend, explain the issues and offer solution?


She became the youngest and first female anchor for WTVF-TV, Nashville.

Who is Oprah?