Work Ethic
Independent work
Bus Routes
Finding jobs
Soft Skills?

While working the cash register at Grocery Outlet someone gives you too much money.  How would you show integrity to the customer as well as your employer in this situation.

Be honest.  Let the customer know they gave you too much money.


Why is it important to fill out your job application or any other form in pen rather than pencil?

It is expected that job applications & official forms need to be either typed (if downloaded on-line) or filled out with black ink.  If you use pencil your information can be too easily modified and eraser mistakes make your application look sloppy.


What bus route(s) do we take to Best Buy



Which website has a list of Hot jobs where the hiring process is much faster?



If I was trained to clear drains and install plumbing into homes is this a soft skill or hard skill?

Hard skill


What are 2 ways your employer can provide you with a positive workplace that gives you all the tools to have a good work ethic?

Proper training, guidance

Clear schedule

Honest fair wages

Treats employees with respect/dignity


Which form that we fill out tells the IRS how much you should have deducted for your federal taxes



What 2 buses do we take to get to Grocery Outlet in Kennewick?

47 & 42


Name one local resource that can help you find a job?

DVR Division of Vocational Rehab

DDA Developmental Disability Administration

Columbia Industries


If I can communicate with an employer about hazards in the workplace is this a soft skill or hard skill?

Effective communication is a soft skill


Name 2 ways you can you show your employer that you have a good work ethic.

Respect their leadership

Be on time

Work hard

Follow safety rules

Be honest


Why is it important for you to fill out the locating information form and consistently chose different places to look up?

It helps you locate places in our community

It helps you decide places you would like to visit

It gives you ideas of where we can route our bus trips


What 2 buses did we take to go to MOD pizza in Richland

47 & 123


Tell me 2 ways you can find out about job leads (networking)

Friends, Neighbors, Family, Social Media, Newspaper on-line, CBC, Worksource, 


While employed at Jack in the Box I show up to work on time.  Is this a soft or hard skill?

Soft skill


You come into work and can't find your supervisor. He was supposed to be at work before you got there!  He texts you and asks you to cover for him with the boss. The boss asks you if you have seen your supervisor. What should you do? 

Your supervisor SHOULD be calling the boss to say why he is not at work.  He needs to have integrity and own up to why he is not there.

DO NOT LIE for your supervisor.  


Why do we practice doing Mock Interviews?

You learn how to answer difficult questions, develop interview strategies, improve your communication skills, and reduce your stress before an actual job interview.


Using your transit app what 2 buses would you take to get to Columbia Industries




If you need to change careers name 2 places where can you find continuing education workshops or resources?



Division of Vocational Rehabilitation


If I am a very talented song writer is this a soft skill or a hard skill

Hard skill


You are gathering carts at your job and you see your co-workers playing a game of bowling with the carts and traffic cones while they are supposed to be gathering carts.  Why is this not using a good work ethic?  

Not respecting your employers property

Playing games on company time

Not doing the job you are paid to do


Why do we need to fill out the I-9 Form

It is the responsibility of every employer to verify that all people they hire are legal to work in the United States.  Page 3 tells you all the forms you can provide your employer to verify your citizenship or immigration status.


Using your Routing app what 3 buses would I get on to get to CBC





What is the name of the website where you would go to find out if the demand for a job is declining or increasing. 


I just got new job working as a bank manager for HAPO but prior to that I worked at Starbucks as a manager for 5 years.  What are 5 soft skills that I can use in either position.

Positive Attitude, Strong work ethic, Good communication, Problem solving skills, Time management, Confidence, Team player