What are red roses?
What is Cupid the god of?
What is love?
How many days are in February?
How much is 28?
Which president's birthday do we celebrate on the third Monday in February?
Who is George Washington?
What is the name of the groundhog who famously predicts the weather at the beginning of each February?
Who is Punxsutawney Phil?
Which white bird is often associated with romance?
What is a dove?
There’s lots of dancing and singing in this film starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. What’s the movie’s name?
What is La La Land?
Which holiday in February is the second-highest day for food consumption for the year?
What is Super Bowl Sunday?
What is the floating February holiday that occurs 47 days before Easter?
What is Mardi Gras?
What are the two zodiac signs of February?
What is Aquarius and Pisces?
How many roses are produced for Valentine’s Day?
How many is 250 million?
How many heart-shaped boxes of chocolates are typically sold each Valentine's Day?
How much is 36 million?
Which famous women’s rights leader is born on February 15th?
Who is Susan B. Anthony?
Who is often credited with creating the first box of Valentine’s Day chocolates?
Who is Richard Cadbury?
What is the February birthstone?
What is amethyst?
The first Valentine's Day letter was written when?
When is 1415?
Who are Cupid’s parents, according to Roman mythology?
Who is Venus and Mercury?
What day is Abraham Lincoln's birthday?
When is February 12th?
While Valentine’s Day is associated with romance, some darker events have occurred on the holiday. In which U.S. city did the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre happen on Feb. 14, 1929?
Where is Chicago?
What holiday in February circles around the weather?
What is Groundhog Day?
What is February called in the Roman calendar?
When is Febrarius?
What state produces most of America's red roses?
Where is California?
What does it mean when the welsh call February "y mis bach"?
What is "little month"?
Which two U.S. states officially achieved statehood on Feb. 14?
Where is Oregon and Arizona?
What does Mardi Gras mean in French?
What is Fat Tuesday?