What did Noah do?
He built the ark
Who else was involved in the story of Abram?
What did Hannah want?
She wanted a baby
At what age was Samuel given to Eli?
Age 3
Who was on the Ark?
Did it work having both people and all their belonging on the same land?
How was she trying to get the thing she wanted?
What was Eli teaching Samuel?
He was teaching him how to be a servant of God
What did God do to the world?
He flooded it
What was Abram's plan to fix their problem?
They would split up.
What did Hannah think when she didn't get what she wanted right away?
She thought God wasn't listening to her and that he did not care about her.
Who did Samuel think he was hearing?
Why did God Ruin the world?
There was a lot of evil people and bad people that he was not proud of
Who picked left or right first?
Why was God waiting to give Hannah the thing she wanted?
He was waiting for the right time.
He had a plan for her.
He was waiting for her to be ready.
Who was Samuel hearing
Did Noah trust God? How do we know?
Yes; he built the ark exactly how God told him without question. He trusted that God was going to keep him and his family safe.
Who got the better land? Why?
Abram; Lott's land had a town/city in the middle of it
What did Hannah bring to Samuel Each Year?
A coat
What did Eli tell Samuel to say the next time he heard this voice?
Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.