What is: 130
Hilarious Rabbit
What is: Bunny Funny
Insect that produces light at night
What is: Firefly
What year did WWll start in
What is: 1939
How many teeth do adult cats have
What is: 30 teeth
Write 86+132
What is: Sum of eighty six and thirteen to the power to two
Obese Lion
What is: Fat Cat
Controlled fire in the woods
What is: Campfire
How many countries declared war during the Great War
What is: 30
How high can a cat jump compared to its height
What is: 5 times its height
What is: 7/159
Contest Planter
What is: Race Vase
stopping fires
What is: Firefighting
What percent of the population was killed in the Civil War
What is: 2%
Percent of there life cats sleep for
What is: 70%
What is: 65
Type of metal To get better than
What is: Brass Surpass
Shots by a weapon
What is: Gunfire
Shortest war ever
How fast can a cat run
What is: 30 mph
6 divided by 2(1/5+8/5)
What is: 5.4
Type of meal Direction
What is: East Feast
Way to start a flame
What is: Firestarter
What animal was killed in the Pig War
What is: A black boar
What percent of households have cats in the UK
What is: 18%