The total number of acres of Paul Smiths College
What is 14200
This years theme was
What is Music Legends
Your four RA's are
What is Sam, Tristan, Sofia, and Jada
Every Tuesday Get off Campus, and go here for some fun!
What is Romanos Bowling Alley! 2 free games and shoes on student engagement!!
Need more exercise in your day, checkout this place
Saunders Gymnasium Fitness Center
The hotel burnt down in
What is 1930
Who builds the Ice Castle
What is local volunteers
Quiet hours start and end when
What is weekdays 10pm to 10am and weekends 12am to 10am
Every week on Thursday and Friday there are vans out to this place to go shopping or to just get out.
What is Malone
Once a month sit with a snack and attempt to win money or cool prizes, at this event. Dont forget about the raffle!
What is Bingo
Pete's rock is named after named after
What is Peter Sabattis
Buildling the ice castle resumed in
What is 1955
Who is the tree out front planted in memmorial of?
What is Brandon Jarvis
Every other week take the van to go see a new flick here with a group of friends, or go every week with your own transportation!
What is the Palace theater in Lake Placid
Skipped Breakfast? Go here to get a snack Tuesdays, Wenesdays or Thursdays from 9-1
The Bakery
Which Presidents Stayed at the hotel
What is Theadore Roosevelt, Grover Cleveland and Kelvin Coolidge
The first winter carnival took place in
What is 1897
LMS stands for
What is Lydia Martin Smith
Rent a pass from the library for this outdoor adventure with indoor wildlife viewing.
What is the Wild Center in Tupper Lake
Information about events going on during the week can be found
What is in emails from Jill, posted around the buildling, or posted around campus
What are the requirments for Paul Smiths to be a college
What is to have a forestry program and a hospitality program
This was what annual winter carnival
What is the 128th
When did a tree go through the roof causing squirrles in the ceiling
What is end of Fall semester 2022
Need a bigger outing? A date night? Take the one hour drive here and theres a lot more to do than in Saranac Lake.
What is Plattsburg
Check out this area if you and your friends need something to do after quiet hours
What is the game room