The perfect prayer that Jesus taught his disciples to pray.
What is the "Our Father"
The time in which we celebrate Jesus' Rasurrection after death.
What is "Easter"?
The beginning part of Mass where we have the Entrance, Penitential Act, Gloria, and Opening Prayer.
What is the "Introductory Rites"?
The prayer that we say during Mass that states what we as Catholics believe.
What is the "Nicene Creed"?
The time where we celebrate when God became man (i.e. Jesus' birth).
What is "Christmas"?
The part of Mass where we hear the Scripture Readings, Homily, Our Profession of Faith, General Intercessions, and the Collection.
What is the "Liturgy of the Word"?
A prayer that we sing during Mass to show our love and praise for God.
What is the "Gloria"?
A season that is about to start soon, lasting for 40 days, just like the 40 days that Jesus spent fasting and being tempted in the desert.
What is "Lent"?
The pinnacle moment of the Mass, where we have the Offertory, the Eucharistic Prayer, the Consecration, the Lord's Prayer, the Sign of Peace, Communion, and Thanksgiving.
What is the "Liturgy of the Eucharist"?
A short prayer you can say in the morning to start the day.
What is the "Morning Offering"?
The time that celebrates the anticipation of the coming of Jesus.
What is "Advent"?
The end of Mass where we have the Final Blessing, and the Dismissal.
A short prayer you can pray before bedtime thanking God for all of the good in your day.
What is the "Evening Prayer"?
The three days leading up to Easter, which include Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.
What is "Triduum"?