There are this many avatars of Vishnu Bhagwan
What is 24?
Being Nishkapat means this.
What is being honest with the Satpurush?
This Haribhakta was angered by Muktanand Swami not mentioning him as one of the best devoteed of Maharaj.
Who is Alaiya Khachar?
Shastriji Maharaj left this place to begin BAPS.
What is Vartal?
This is where Yuvak Yogi Cup is located
Where is Tampa?
These are the 5 eternal entities?
What is Jiva, Ishwar, Maya, Brahma, Parabrahma
This brand put out an ad saying "Don't buy this jacket."
What is Patagonia
The haribhakta from the United States celebrated Fuldol in here instead of in the presence of Bapa because he did not get an AC room.
Where is Sarangpur?
This is the second mandir Shastriji Maharaj built.
What is Sarangpur?
We decided this person was the main cause of the Mahabharat.
Who is Dritrasthra?
These are the 4 Vedas.
What are Atharva, Yajur, Sam, and Rig?
"Kapat" translates to this
What is deceit?
This Rishi was the incarnate form of Shiva Bhagwan and was known for his anger.
Who is Durvasa
This person convinced Shatriji Maharaj to leave Vartal.
Who is Krishanji Ada?
This Sant presented on the topic of Sambandhno Mahima during the Super Bowl Sabha
Who is Pujya Adarshnayan Swami?
Pujya Brahmavihari Swami made a comparison between Hinduism and this discipline when giving an answer about who founded Hinduism.
What is science?
Mahant Swami Maharaj was here in NC18.
Where is Sarangpur?
Nirajbhai started his presentation with a TikTok creator with this username.
Who is JerseyyJoe?
Shastriji Maharaj appointed this Sant to be mahant of the Akshar mandir in Gondal.
Who is Yogiji Maharaj?
Ravibhai won the plank competition against this kishore.
Who is Vedbhai
The quote "Therefore, God is definitely one, and no one can become like Him" is from this Vachanamrut.
What is Gadhada III-39
This is the one vow Dajibhai couldn't accept.
What is Nishkam?
In this Vachanamrut Maharaj talks about anger using the analogy of a half-burnt log
What is Gadhada I-28
This is the year Atladra mandir was completed.
What is 1945?
Pritbhai ate this many Oreos in the competition
What is 7?