With Action
With Piano
With Video

This prophet went to pray in the woods by his house.

Who is Joseph Smith?

(Joseph Smith's First Prayer)


This is what we call learning about keeping records of our ancestors

What is Family History?

(Family History)


When I set a good example for others I am being this.

What is a missionary?

(I want to be a missionary now)

The song we are learning sign language for.

What is I Stand All Amazed?

(I stand all amazed)


This is what we call the wood where the prophet went to pray

What is the Sacred Grove?

(My own sacred grove)


The heavenly beings who appeared to Joseph Smith in the sacred grove.

Who are Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ?

(My own sacred grove)


Joseph Smith went to the grove for this reason.

What is to pray? What is to ask God for answers to his questions? 

(Joseph Smith's first prayer)


We write these to keep track of our family history.

What are stories? What are records?

(Family History)


This is how I feel when I do family history

What is love?

(Family History, I am doing it)


This word is used to describe the morning when Joseph Smith went to pray in the woods.

What is lovely?

(Joseph Smith's first prayer)


The reason Jesus performed the atonement.

What is because he loves us? What is to allow us to repent? What is to take upon him our sins?

(I stand all amazed)

This is something we can do to follow Joseph Smith's example.

What is pray? 

(My own sacred grove)

I can call myself this when I share the gospel

What is a missionary?

(I want to be a missionary now)


The sign for "wonderful"

(Demonstrate the sign for "wonderful')

(I stand all amazed)

This is a big word in the song meaning "family members who lived before us"

What is "progenitors"?

(Family History)


This is where Joseph got the idea to go and pray for answers.

What is the Bible? What is his family?

(Jospeh Smith's first prayer)


Jesus performed this so that we could repent of our sins and mistakes.

What is the Atonement?

(I stand all amazed)


Boys can be called as full-time missionaries at this age.

What is 18?

(I want to be a missionary now)


This is what we need to do if we don't immediately get an answer to our prayers

What is "wait patiently in faith"?

(My own sacred grove)


Girls can be called as full-time missionaries at this age.

What is 19?

(I want to be a missionary now)