School cell phone policy?
Off and away all day. From the moment you walk into the school. Some students follow a cell phone check-in plan as well.
Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself at all times!
Riding the bus is a PRIViLEGE and I can lose this privilege if I am not behaving safely.
You, the banker, and a teacher.
T/F and why?
I'm talking with my friends at lunch and they start cussing and calling other people bad names. Because they're doing it, I can do it too. It's only wrong if a teacher hears us.
I need to follow school rules all the time at school. If my friends are cussing at school, it's my job to either ignore it, ask them to stop, or tell a teacher.
What are chromebooks/school devices to be used for? How do teachers monitor chromebook use?
What happens if they are not used appropriately?
School work! Chromebooks are monitored through lightspeed. If chromebooks are misused or overused, they can lose wifi, be deactivated, or taken away.
Do your work, go to class on time, and bring all needed materials.
I'm allowed to stand up, move around, lay down, etc. when the bus is moving.
I must stay seated and sometimes buckled when the bus is moving.
T/F you can have more than 1 job but you must apply for another one after you get hired.
T/F and why?
It's ok to make sexual gestures and sounds on the bus because I'm not at school.
All school rules and expectations are to be followed at the school, on the bus, on field trips, or any school function/property. Riding the bus is a privilege and everyone deserves a safe and comfortable ride.
What 2 things should you do when getting a snack?
Ask first and write a tally next to your name.
Use appropriate language, tone, and voice level.
The bus driver may assign seats for any reason.
Assigned seats are not optional. If the driver assigns seats for any reason, I must sit where I am told if I want to keep riding the bus.
Job pay ranges from $10-$15. How often do you get paid?
Once a day.
Where am I allowed to say offensive words and I won't hurt anyone's feelings or make them uncomfortable?
Alone in my room. Not around others. In my head. Written in a private journal.
What 2 things qualify you to earn a snack?
Student must eat breakfast/lunch and may get snacks ONLY during snack hours for their grade.
________ others feelings, property and space.
What school rules are to be followed on the bus?
Almost all of them! Be safe, responsible, and respectful. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. Is it true, kind, or necessary, etc.
Cell phones ARE allowed on the bus.
Rent is $20. How often is rent due?
Once a week.
It is expected to behave in a way that is friendly, helpful, and respectful to others at school and in public. List 3 examples of expected behaviors in school.
Sitting quietly, walking in halls, taking notes during class, completing homework, holding the door for others, apologizing for bumping into people, complementing others, raising hand, etc.
What is our golden rule? (Hint: think before you speak)
Is it TRUE?
Is it KIND?
Choose Peace and Love!
Describe how to be courteous on the bus.
No profane language, screaming, throwing things, bothering other students, or otherwise behaving in a way that distracts the driver.
Students will be issued a fee after multiple warnings to clean their desk, not make messes, and take care of their technology. How much is this fee? (Hint: it is the same amount as the snack fee)
What does the acronym THINK stand for? 100 points for each word you can list.