When is Saint valentines feast day?
February 14.
when is Saint Blaise's feast day?
February 3.
When was her feast day?
February 22.
When was her feast day?
February 8.
When is her feast day?
February 11.
What is Saint valentine the patron saint of?
What is he the patron saint of?
animals, throat illnesses, wool combers, and wool trading.
who lead her to her lovers body?
Her lovers dog.
What was she the patron saint of?
What prays did she know?
Our father, hail Mary, and the creed.
What was a miracle preformed by Saint valentine?
Healing of Asterius daughter.
What was he the bishop of?
Where did her and her son get accepted to or go?
What happened to her?
She was kidnapped by Arab slave traders.
What did she see?
Why was saint valentine arrested?
For trying to convert others and helping christian couples get married.
Why was he arrested?
For being Christian.
Where was she born?
Loviana in Tuscany in 1247.
What happened when she offended the owners son?
She was beaten.
Yellow roses and was holding a rosary.
Who and when marked February 14 as Valentines day.
Pope Gelasius in 496 AD
What miracle did he preform?
He brought a woman's pig back to her which had been took by a wolf and was returned unharmed.
When was she canonized?
How was she freed?
Sudan had outlawed slavery.