Happy Birthday
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Who Said that?
This popular red head won an Academy Award for his portral as Sergeant Joe Kelly in "Sayonara" in 1957
Red Buttons (February 5th, 1919)
This holiday originated in Mobile AL and was later adopted by the City of New Orleans. It is a major event in these two cities lasting for 40 days. It is celebrated all along the Gulf Coast with a gusto, including balls and parades.
What is Mardi Gras
the movie "Modern Times" released in 1936 starred this funny man along side Paulette Goddard
Charlie Chaplin
This man was the fifth man to walk on the moon and the FIRST to golf on the moon
Alan Shepard
"He taught me housekeeping. When I divorce, I keep the house"
Zsa Zsa Gabor
Hungarian born actress, this lady grew more famous after she ceased acting and began making personal appearances.
Zsa Zsa Gabor
A huge holiday in the UK, this marks the anniversary of th longest reigning queen in British history. who is the queen?
Queen Elizabeth II
This film released in 1915 controversial revolved around the films premise of the KKK rescuing the post-Civil War South. What was the film?
What is "Birth of the Nation"
This popular real estate board game went on sale for the first time. What is the board game?
What is Monopoly
"I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a divorce".
What is Groucho Marx
This inventor had 1,093 patents. He created Menlo Park, the world's first industrial research laboratory. He was home schooled by his mother. Non violence was key to his moral views.
Who is Thomas A. Edison
This holiday occurs in February, but not every year. It adds 1 day in February to keep the calendar in sync with the astronomical or seasonal year. It is the only time of the year where ladies are permitted to "propose" to their men.
Leap Year
The movies "Journey to the end of the earth" and Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea were made into popular movies. Modern day technology and inventions were described in these novels/movies such as air conditioning and the internet. Who was the author?
Who was Jules Gabriel Verne
The Boy Scouts was founded in 1910 by this successful business man and explorer
William Boyce
"To do much Thinking, a person must arrange for regular periods of solitude when they can concentrate and indulge the imagination without distraction."
Thomas A Edison
This famous man was born on Feb. 12th in 1809. Despite humble beginnings he became one of the most important men of our time.
who is Abraham Lincoln
This historical holiday originated as a Western Christian liturgical feast day honoring one or more early saints. On of the many stories associated with this day is of the saint that married couples and was imprisioned for his acts. Today the holiday symbolizes love.
What is Valentines Day
Jessica Tandy played a Jewish heiress in South Alabama and the story line of the movie was about the relationship of trust and loyalty between herself and her butler. What was the Movie?
What is Driving Miss Daisy
This item of furniture is a staple in most American homes. It started life, not as the cushy stuffed version of today, but rather a comfortable wood slt porch chair.
What is the Lazy Boy
Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.
Ralph Waldo Emerson