What does the acronym NHS stand for?
National Honor Society
You must maintain what grades to join your high school chapter of NHS
A's and B's
This is an easy service that can be done around your neighborhood, nearby park, or just as a random act of service
Picking up trash
What are the 4 officer positions in NHS?
President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary
What are the four pillars of NHS?
Scholarship, Service, Leadership, Character
At this place, you can go at any time to walk dogs, and they always appreciate food and toy donations.
The animal shelter
Who can run for leadership positions?
Any member in good standing
Second semester of Sophomore (10th grade) year
What is Scholarship?
Being dedicated to learning in and outside of the classroom
What is Service?
Fulfilling a need outside of our own with no expectation of a reward
What is leadership?
Being able to take initiative and accountability
What is character?
Who we are and how we build relationships with each other and our community
How many service hours must you complete in high school each semester to remain in good standing?
This is a place where you can go and serve the elderly community.
Nursing homes.
What are the responsibilities of the president?
Lead meetings, organize activities, communicate with necessary parties, maintain the integrity of the chapter.
What are qualities in an NHS member?
Someone who is committed to school, achievement, and is interested in service for the community.
When was NHS founded?
Is it possible to balance NHS, academics, and other commitments?
Yes, it is all about balance.
(Often many members are involved in multiple activities)
This is something you can do to raise money for an organization.