Title I
CTE & Other Programs
Fiscal Requirements
Title III
The program that is designed to serve students who are 'educationally disadvantaged'.
What is Title I, Part A.
The amount needed in order to apply for Perkins funds on your own.
What is $15,000
The Federal government's Office of Management and Budget (OBM) Circular A-87 requirement that all schools document the amount of time and effort spent on a federally-funded activity.
What is Time and Effort documentation?
2 %
What is the percentage of Title III funds that may be used for Administrative Costs?
This must be addressed in each TI SW CIP.
What are the 10 Schoolwide Components?
Title I campuses are required to analyze their programs each year through this process?
What is the Comprehensive Needs Assessment?
Notification of Nondiscrimination in Career and Technical Education Programs
What must be posted prior to the start of each school year to inform stakeholders/public about non-discrimination in CTE programs?
Procedures for managing equipment acquired with grant funds (such as property records).
What is Inventory?
These payroll expenses may NOT be paid for with Title III funds.
What are sign-on bonuses or stipends?
This must be linked to each applicable strategy/activity.
What are the 10 SW components?
The Title I status whereby all students at a site may benefit from the use of Title I funds.
What is schoolwide?
Federal Vocational Education Funds for specialized program services and activities for serving secondary students. Some districts are in consortiums to receive these funds and some districts have a stand-alone allocation. HINT: There was also a Rockabilly musician with this name!
What are Carl D. Perkins funds?
This fiscal requirement provides that an LEA (Local Education Agency) may receive funds under Title lI, Part A for any fiscal year only if the SEA find that either: (a) the combined fiscal effort per student or (b) the aggregate expenditures of the LEA and the State with respect to the providison of free public education was not less than 90 percent of the combined fiscal effort or aggregate expenditure for the second preceding fiscal year.
What is Maintenance of Effort?
Must be offered each summer for 6 weeks.
What are Bilingual/ESL Summer Programs?
An auditor may ask to see this when conducting your district/charter's annual audit.
What is evidence of your Comprehensive Needs Assessment and/or Continuous Improvement Plan?
A district that receives Title I, Part A funds has considerable discretion in the use of those funds. However, a district MUST serve any site with a poverty level equal to or higher than this percentage.
What is 75%?
This NCLB federal program was designed to promote teacher and principal improvement. The purpose of the professional development provided under this grant is to increase student academic achievement.
What is Title IIA?
The fiscal requirement in NCLB that says an LEA may use Title I funds ONLY to supplement and, to the extent practical, increase the level of funds that would, in the absence of Title I funds, be made available from non-Federal sources for the education of students participating in Title I programs.
What is Supplement, Not Supplant?
Districts request this when they are unable to secure a Bilingual-certified teacher.
What is a Bilingual exception?
1 DIP and at least 2 CIPs from the previous year.
What must be uploaded to TEA through the Audit application each summer?
The free and reduced lunch percentage that qualifies a site for Title I services (if sufficient funds are available).
What is 35%
This federal formula grant provides that provides financial assistance to rural districts to meet local academic needs.
What is Title VI: Rural and Low-Income School Program Grant?
Under the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA), LEAs and SEAs must obligate funds during the 27 months extending from July 1 of the fiscal year for which the funds were appropriated through September 30 of the second succeeding fiscal year. This maximum period includes a 15-month period of initial availability plus a 12-month period for carryover. However, Title I limits the amount and LEA may carry over from one fiscal year's allocation to this percentage.
What is 15%?
Must be sent as a separate notification within 30 days of receiving notification of student outcomes falling below program goals.
What is AMAOs parental notification?
The specific instructional strategies and initiatives, based on scientifically-based research, that strengthen the core academic program, increase the quality and quantity of learning time, and address the learning needs of all students on the campus.
What are Schoolwide Reform Strategies (one of the 10 components)?