Federalist Papers part 1
Federalist Papers part 2
Founders of Federalism
Types of Federalism

What form of government was formed before the implementation of federalism

What is Articles of Confederation


Who wrote Federalist Paper 70

Alexander Hamilton 


Who wrote federalist 51

Who is James Madison 


Why  did George Washington believe federalism was the right way to move forward as a nation

He believed a strong central government was necessary to protect the freedoms of Americans and Protect the Nation


Doctrine holding that the national government is supreme in its sphere, the states are supreme in theirs, and the two spheres should be kept separate

What is Dual Federalism


What are factions

A number of citizens, whether to majority or minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion


What is branch does Federlist 70 focus on 



What is Addressed in Federalist Paper 51

means for checks and  balances

Who Wrote the Federalist Papers

Alexander Hamilton 

John Jay 

James Madison 


Stresses federalism as a system of intergovernmental relations in delivering governmental goods and services to the people and calls for cooperation among various levels of government

Cooperative federalism


Define Federalism 

system of government in which a constitution divides power between a central government and a regional government


What type of leader does the Author encourage in Federalist 70

Hamilton argues  a strong leader. He argues for strong leader because if we have a weak leader it breads other nations to come and effect America. Hamilton believes strong leaders make America better while weaker leader makes the government less efficient. Hamilton feared that weak government would not be strong enough to defend people liberties and rights.


What is discussed Federalist Paper 78 theme is

Hamilton discusses the Judicial Branch and the necessity to keep it disconnected from popular opinion. He also describes the power of judicial review.


How did George Washington help expand the federal government?

established a strong central government and helped put in place a plan to fix the problem of the national debt.


Conceives of federalism as a marble cake in which all levels of government are involved in a variety of issues and programs, rather than a layer cake, or dual federalism, with fixed divisions between layers or levels of government.

Marble cake federalism


What event lead to the creation of Federalism 

What is Shays Rebellion


Why does the Author Argues for 1 leader instead of a council in Federalist Paper 70

Hamilton believes 1 leader is safer than a council. He believes a one man leader would be more accountable for his actions compared to a council member who can hide behind other members of the council. Also he believes that if theirs to many leaders disagreements would arise and as a result nothing would be done to move the country forward.


What was Madison writing in the following statement mean 

  "Ambition must be made to counteract ambition"

Government formed by checks and balances  are the public best interest for the rights of Americans.


Why was James Madison Federalist Paper 10 so important to the Nation

defended the form of republican government proposed by the Constitution


Constitutional arrangement that concentrates power in a central government.

Unitary Systems


Why Was federalism chosen as the best way to run American after shays rebellion

decentralization of power that existed under the Articles of Confederation prevented the new nation from becoming strong enough to compete on the world stage  and quell rebellions


The office and power of the President was designed for what in Federalist Paper 70

energy, secrecy, and dispatch traditionally associated with the monarchial form


Who Wrote Federalist Paper 10 

What was Federalist Paper 10 about

James Madison



What Where 5 basic themes of the Federalist Papers

federalism, checks and balances, separated powers, pluralism, and representation


Constitutional arrangement in which sovereign nations or states, by compact, create a central government but carefully limit its power and do not give it direct authority over individuals.
