Dual Federalism
Cooperative Federalism
New Federalism
Court Cases/ Clauses
Explain the concept of dual federalism.
The powers of the state and nation are separate and equally powerful.
Who proposed the New Deal programs?
President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Explain what New Federalism is.
The proposal to shrink the federal government in favor of greater state power.
Define the Full Faith and Credit Clause.
It ensures judicial contracts and rules made in one state will be enforceable in any other state.
Define the Supremacy Clause.
Clause that states national law is supreme over state laws.
What was the Court's decision/explanation on the powers of federal and states concerning slavery?
Only states can handle the issue of slavery, not the federal government.
What was the "court-packing plan"?
To add more Supreme Court justices.
What was the Devolution Revolution and which political party favored it?
The Republicans favored the Devolution Rev. which was the scaling back of the federal government.
The Commerce Clause _________________________.
gives Congress the right to regulate foreign and state trade.
The specific powers granted to Congress by the Constitution are ____________.
Enumerated powers.
What was the Court's decision/explanation on Congress's power over commerce during the era of Dual Federalism?
Congress had the power to regulate economic relationships, such as monopolies, but power was very limited and rather useless.
Were the New Deal programs challenged? Explain.
Yes. The Supreme Court initially thought it was unconstitutional.
Under the Bush Administration, what event caused the federal government to expand?
What was the significance of the Dred Scott Case?
Ruled that only states can handle slavery issues. Federal government power is limited regarding slavery.
What are unfunded mandates?
The federal government will not provide funding to the state/local government to comply with fed. rules or regulations.
Which two amendments enhanced the power of the national government? What did they say?
16th - Authorized Congress to enact national income tax 17th - Senators to be elected by the people
How did the nature of Federalism change from Layer Cake to Marble Cake? (Do not define them). Hint: New Deal
The New Deal prompted the both the national and state governments to work together resulting in a Marble Cake.
Explain the purpose for the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act.
To prevent Congress from passing costly federal programs without debate on how to fund them.
What was the significance of McCulloh v. Maryland?
Upheld the power of the national government and denied the states to tax the federal bank. One of the first cases involved with the supremacy clause.
___________________ are the powers that are shared between the federal and state governments.
Concurrent powers
Why was the Civil War important to the nature of federalism?
National government grew in size and power. This also led to the passing of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, which were ultimately ignored by state powers.
Give an example of how Federal grants were used to influence states.
open ended - teachers will decide.
What is preemption and which clause did it derive from?
Preemption derived from the Supremacy Clause and allows the national government to override state/local actions.
What was the significance of Gibbons v. Ogden?
The Supreme Court upheld broad congressional power to regulate interstate commerce and expanded federal power.
Explain the difference between Block and Categorical Grants.
Block Grants are given to states and have less restrictions for their use. Categorical Grants are grants that allocated federal funds to states for specific purposes.