Washington's Administration
Foreign Relations
Adam's Administration
Opposing Viewpoints
He was the first Secretary of the Treasury who called for a national bank and was a leading Federalist.
Who is Alexander Hamilton?
Jefferson sided with this European country and its revolution against the monarchy
What is France?
Due to receiving the second highest number of Electoral College votes, this man became Adams' Vice President
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
He argued against promoting manufacturing and wanted the United States to be a nation of farmers
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
the number of people needed to take a vote or make an important decision
What is a quorum?
the heads of the Executive Departments who are the President's chief advisors
What is the cabinet?
Napoleon was willing to sell this land west of the Mississippi River to the United States
What is Louisiana?
He was a strong supporter of the Federal government who was appointed by Adams to become the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
Who is John Marshall?
He argued that the buyers took the risk by purchasing government bonds from the original owners and therefore should receive the payment for the bond
Who is Alexander Hamilton?
the name of an economic system that is based on the ownership of private property from which a profit is made
What is capitalism?
was the name of a revolt among farmers in western Pennsylvania who refused to pay an excise tax on alcohol
What is the Whiskey Rebellion?
is the name of a contributor to the Federalist Papers who negotiated an agreement with Great Britain that led to the removal of British forts in the Northwest Territories
Who is John Jay?
the attempts of French officials to get the United States to pay a $250,000 bribe to negotiate with France over the seizure of American ships
What is the XYZ Affair?
He agreed with Hamilton that the United States did not need to honor the Franco-American Alliance and instead declared U.S. neutrality in the war between France and Great Britain.
Who is George Washington?
a tax placed on the manufacture and sale of a product
What is an excise tax?
is the name of the political party whose members agreed with Thomas Jefferson's views
What are the Republicans?
Despite British help, the Native Americans in Ohio were defeated in this battle against federal troops led by General Anthony Wayne
What is the Battle of Fallen Timbers?
to silence critics of his administration, Adams pushed Congress to pass these four measures
What are the Alien and Sedition Acts?
Jefferson was willing to abandon a strict interpretation of the Constitution in order to take advantage of this offer
What is to buy the Louisiana Purchase?
refers to any goods that can further a war effort and therefore is considered illegal and subject to seizure
What is contraband?
Jefferson and Madison took this approach in arguing against Congress' power to establish a national bank
What is a strict interpretation of the Constitution?
the name of an agreement between Spain and the United States in which the U.S. obtained the right to navigate the Mississippi River and to deposit goods in New Orleans
What is the Pinckney Treaty?
the name of a law that increased the number of circuit courts to 12. It was enacted to maintain the control of the Federalist Party despite its defeat to the Jeffersonian Republicans.
What is the Judiciary Act of 1801?
Madison and Jefferson wrote these documents, which argued that a state has the right to judge the constitutionality of a federal law and that such a law could be voided within a state
What are the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions?
refers to a closed meeting of political leaders who nominate people to run for office
What is a caucus?