hamilton type fstuff
what is brutus 1 about
arguing against the proposed Constitution and warning about the dangers of a strong centralized government.Jun 18, 2024
Effects of brutus 1
it contributed to a debate over what degree of control over policy should be given to the national government compared to the state and local governments.
what is the meaning of brutus 1
arguing against the proposed Constitution and warning about the dangers of a strong centralized government.
summarize what brutus wanted
what is a element seen through this chapter
what is fed 78 about
yap and stuff
effects of government
govenring people and stuff
What does brutus mean
brutus means heavy / dull
what did the federalists want
theme of the federalists papers
we want big gov
what is the bill of rights about
a bill of rights to declare independence
effects of predidency
tbh the whole countries dynamic can change
what does it mean when they refrence a strong centeralized gov
a strong governmetn
summarize how bills get turned into laws
go through the branches
theme of brutus
we want more like powers in the states
what is gov about
effects of WWII
meaning of burecracy
summarize federal burucracy
all tthe branches of like stuff happening
theme of the whole argument
states vs feds
what is econ about
effects of the bill of rights
secured peoples rights and was chill
what is the meaning of checks and balances
the checks the branches have on each other
what is the big takeaway from all this
tbh like arguing is importatn and histroy stuff