Distracted Driving
Impaired Driving
Safety Potpourri
Do or Do Nots
Think about it!

True or False?

 Distracted driving is any non-driving activity a person engages in that has the potential to distract him or her from the primary task of driving and increases the risk of crashing. 

What is true? 

This is the definition of the term.


True or False?

 Refusing to take a breath test will automatically result in your driver's license being suspended for six (6) months.

What is True?

According to the Texas Penal Code, drivers who refuse to submit a BAC test will face having their driver’s license suspended for 180 days. For those who have prior DWI history, this can be lengthened to 2 years.

At the time of the suspension, drivers are handed a temporary permit and a written notice. The suspension of the driver’s license can be contested within 15 days after the arrest. This crucial time is when you can challenge the suspension by requesting an Administrative Licence Revocation, or ALR hearing.


True or False?

 Over the past 5 years, December is the month that had the highest number of reported crashes.

What is false?

August is Next is October. The data was averaged over a five-year period and based on "reported" accidents. The lowest accident months are January, December, February and then November.


Do or Do NOT?

Have a loose animal in the car?

Do Not.

For their safety and yours be sure that your animals are in the back seat with a pet seat belt or in a crate in the back. Pets can be one of the highest distractions for drivers. 


The percentage of the U.S. population that cannot multitask effectively.

What is 97%?


True of False?

 Pumping your anti-lock brakes (ABS) will allow you to have greater control in an emergency braking situation.

What is false? 

In vehicles equipped with ABS, the driver's foot should remain firmly on the brake pedal, allowing the system to automatically pump the brakes. With ABS, just hold your foot firmly on the brake pedal and remember that you can still steer.


True or false?

 Impaired driver crashes cost an estimated $10 billion annually.

What is false? 

It is estimated over FORTY BILLION DOLLARS per year!


It is the leading cause of death for 15 - 24 year olds.

What is motor vehicle crashes? (33%)

 Homicide: 15% Suicide: 13% Cancer: 5%


Do or do not? 

Review all maps and directions prior to driving


Even if a passenger or  a GPS is reading them to you it may still become a distraction to you.


Even though it increases your risk of a crash by 3.6 times, roughly 75% of people admit to doing this while driving.

What is eating?


True or False? 

Texas State has a law that prohibits texting while driving.

What is true? 

Texas law prohibits texting for drivers of all ages. Some Texas cities prohibit all cell phone usage while driving.


True or False?

 If you are a CDL driver (and operating a commercial motor vehicle) and you are convicted of DUI combined with another incident and you have a blood alcohol content of 0.04 or more means a lifetime CDL disqualification.

  • What is false? 
  • General felony convictions: You will be subject to lifetime CDL disqualification if you are convicted of human smuggling, drug trafficking, or any violent crime involving a CMV.
  • Drug-related felonies: An offense of manufacturing, distributing, or possessing a controlled substance automatically results in a lifetime ban from obtaining a CDL, even if the offense did not involve a CMV.
True or False?
 Workers do not need must be present in work zones for a "double the original fine" on speeding to be applied?

What is false?

Workers must be present and there must be signs indicating road work is in progress in order for Work Zone Enhancements to be enforced.


Do or do not? 

Keep two hands on the wheel while driving.


 This gives you better control of the car as well as keeping you more awake and alert to the road


The most dangerous food or beverage, aside from alcohol, to consume while driving.

What is coffee?

This is because coffee distracts drivers in all three of the distracted driving categories: visual distractions, cognitive distractions, and physical distractions. 

If you look down to grab your coffee cup or to manipulate it into the cup holder, you participate in visual distraction. Although your attention and eyes only be distracted from the road for seconds, your reaction time shortens immensely.

Drinking coffee while driving can distract you cognitively since you may be thinking about whether your coffee is cool enough to drink, whether you should take a sip at that moment or at the next light, or other matters involving your beverage. Because your mind is occupied with other matters aside from the road, your reaction time may decrease significantly.

You are physically distracted when drinking coffee and driving since one of your hands is holding your coffee cup, leaving only one hand on the steering wheel. This reduces your ability to react to a road condition or another driver’s maneuvers.



At what blood alcohol concentration (BAC) do most people experience impairment?

 A. .02 -.03

 B. .04 -.05

 C. .07 -.08 

D. .10 -.12

What is

 A: .02 -.03?


True of false? 

Impaired driving is the nation’s most frequently committed violent crime.

What is true?

 Summary of Statistics: The Impaired Driving Problem. (2022). Mothers Against Drunk Driving National Office. In 2022, 10,076 people were killed in impaired driving crashes. That's one every 51 seconds! Guns killed one person every 2,280 seconds in 2022.


True or False? 

Airbags are more important than seatbelts.

What is false?

 Air bag safety requires that all vehicle occupants be properly seated and wearing their seat belts. Airbags deploy at speeds as high as 200 miles per hour. For airbags to be effective rather than harmful, riders must be correctly wearing their seat belts at all times.


Do or Do not?

Eat or drink while driving?

Do Not

Eating or drinking can cause distractions. It can cause you to take your eyes from the road or hand away from the steering wheel. Pull over somewhere to safely eat or drink. 

Most people's body's natural down time is 

12 AM -6AM; 1PM-5PM

Right when most people are getting ready to go to work, are at work or going home from work.


There are three main types of distraction:

 1. Manual: taking your hands off the wheel.

 2. Cognitive: taking your mind off of driving. 

What is the third type?

What is 

Visual: taking your eyes off the road?


Name three driving symptoms Mr. Trooper would be looking for when he was hunting for impaired drivers?

Any of the following

• Making a turn with a wide radius • Straddling center or lane marker • Almost striking an object or vehicle • Weaving • Driving outside the designated roadway • Swerving • Driving more than 10 mph below the posted speed limit • Stopping in traffic for no reason • Drifting • Following too closely / tailgating • Driving with tires on center or lane marker • Erratic braking • Driving into oncoming traffic • Slow response to traffic signals • Stopping inappropriately (not in traffic) • Making abrupt or illegal turns • Sudden acceleration or deceleration • Driving with no headlights after dark


What is some things you can do to prevent accidents happening?

Some suggestions:

Allow phone calls to go to voicemail Do not text, surf the web or read emails Do not eat, drink or groom Do not smoke Stop at safe locations (rest stops or commuter lots) to make and receive calls Keep two hands on the wheel for better control and less fatigue Keep your eyes and mind on the road


Do or do not?

Avoid heavy foods, take turns driving, drive with a passenger, or stop to drink caffeinated beverage coffee or soda.


These are a few ideas that can help you to stay alert while driving.


Studies show that being awake for more than 18 hours is equivalent to?

 a 0.08% BAC (blood alcohol concentration)!