ABLE Process
QDM Tools
QDM Principles
Optimize Business Performance
Hodge Podge
This step in the ABLE process involves performing root cause analysis.
What is Build?
A guided group discussion for generating a list of ideas about a topic and for eliciting group involvement
What is Brainstorming?
Strive to understand customer requirements and expectations.
What is Customers Define Quality?
AM yard time has been a challenge in SWA for quite some time. SWA averages 70 drivers a day on the street and 37 min per driver on AM yard time. What is the cost savings by averaging 30 min per driver annualized(keep in mind observed holidays)? P.S. - Avg wage is $26/hr.
What is $53,720?
During a Waste Walk in ABY, it's discovered that our dock is throwing away good hexacomb dunnage daily to the tune of 10 sheets a day at a cost of $1.30 per sheet in the dumpster. What's the cost of this annualized if we continue on this pace?
What is $3289?
This step in the ABLE process involves recognition and rewards.
What is Evaluate?
A PowerPoint template that helps QATs prepare for reviews of their quality project throughout the ABLE process.
What is a Business Review Template?
Minimize unnecessary effort, time and cost.
What is Optimize Business Performance?
Making a mistake on this operational area could have a huge financial impact to our organization to the tune of 40% of our total operational expenses.
What is Load Average?
The Cleveland Browns are currently the laughing stock of the NFL and are on track to lose all 16 games this season. Name 3 of the 4 other teams in NFL history that have gone winless through the entire NFL season.
Who are Dallas Cowboys(1960), Tampa Bay Buccaneers(1976), Baltimore Colts(1982), and Detroit Lions(2008).
This step in the ABLE process involves focusing on one opportunity versus numerous ones.
What is Assess?
A bar chart that has been rearranged to put the categories in order — from the most frequently occurring category to the least
What is a Pareto Chart?
Base decisions on facts and data, not guesses or opinions.
What is Be Scientific?
PCA loads multiple partials that could have been combined prior to dispatching to BHM. The supervisor indicated he was focused on dock efficiency and didn't want to add dock hours by combining loads. Mileage roundtrip is 292 miles. Avg LH cost is $2.10 a mile. Avg dock wage is $20 an hour in PCA. How many dock hours does this additional LH cost equate to?
What is 30.66 hours?
How many QDM Principles are there?
What is 6? Customers Define Quality, Be Scientific, Measure- Measure- Measure, Optimize Business Performance, Quality Involves Teamwork, View Failures as Opportunities
This step in the ABLE process seeks Leadership/Stakeholder approval.
What is Build?
A way of brainstorming that encourages a group to dig beyond its initial observation of a problem's cause and uncover deeper causes.
What are the Five Whys?
See work as a collaborative process.
What is Quality Involves Teamwork?
ATL has 350,000lbs projected tonight for the DAL lane. During a review of AOP's, it's determined that our goal for the night in the lane is 15,900 weight per trailer. AOPS has identified 25 direct headload or load opportunities using the 10 bill/10,000lb rule. How many trailers should we project?
What is 22?
Craig Colligan has been hired to paint door numbers on the new SAV facility which has 100 doors. How many times will he have to paint the number 6?
What is 20 times?
This step in the ABLE process involves preparing an implementation plan.
What is Launch?
A diagram used to brainstorm possible causes of a failure or variation, and sort the causes into categories.
What is a Fishbone Diagram?
Measure failures, measure variation, measure success.
What is Measure, Measure, Measure?
Our company averages 100k shipments per day, and the average shipment is handled 1.7 times until delivery. Current rehandle rate is 25%, process rate is 5.5 bph and avg dock wage is $20/hr. How much do we save annually by reducing rehandle by 5%?
What is $7.82 million?
You have 3 candles and a match. The first candle is 12 inches long and 1 inch wide. The second candle is 8 inches long and 3 inches wide. The third candle is 4 inches long and 6 inches wide. Each will burn down at a different rate. Based on all of this, which one do you light first?
What is the Match?