Constructive Critiscm
Keeping it together
Who cares

Jim's boss talks to him about an issue with his work. His boss begins with "Jim, I noticed that you put too much product out on the shelves yesterday. It was done neatly.  I'd like to review the policy again on how much product to put out daily. I know you are hard worker, but we have to follow the policy.

Is his boss giving him constructive criticism? What does he say that shows he is giving Jim constructive criticsm?

Yes.  He let's Jim know what the problem is and offers to review the policy again with him.  He also compliments him.


Rick, the manager at ABC toys, doesn't like that Jeff is always on his phone durning his shift.  He calls Jeff to his office and starts telling him that he's seen him on his phone multiple times instead of working. He tells him he is going to throw his phone in the trash the next time he sees him on the phone during his shift.

Is Rick giving Jeff the proper feedback about using his phone during his work shift? Why?


No. Rick has the right to make Jeff aware that he has noticed him on the phone during his work shift. Telling him he will throw the phone in the trash is not constructive.  His boss would not be allowed to throw his phone away.


Rose knows she is not doing a good job and she finds out that her boss notices the same thing.  He gives her feedback on what she can do to improve, but instead Rose tells a friend that she is going to do what she wants and if her boss doesn't like it he can find someone else.

Is Rose a confident person?

No.  She is a negative person.  Her attitude is arrogant.  She is not using the feedback she was giving to improve, and she herself admits that she is not doing a good job.  It is ovious that she doesn't care.  That attitude will get her fired.


Stacy's boss gives her feedback on her work performance.  He tells her he trusts her ability, but notices that she has made some mistakes on reports she submitted.  He also, tells her he knows that it was not done on purpose, but that she needs to review them before she submits them.  Overall, he tells her she is doing a good job.

Stay doesn't take it well and begins to cry and say"I'm a good worker right" to her boss.  Is she handling the feedback correctly and what should she have done?

Stacy is not handling the feedback well.  Her boss did not insult her. He was letting her know what she needed to pay attention too.  She should have thanked him for letting her know and that she would do a better job reviewing the reports before she sent them.


Davis got feedback about needing to improve on completeing the tasks assigned to him.  His boss respectfully let him know that he noticed that he gets distracted with talking too much to other employees. He also asks Davis if there is something he could do to limit the conversations.  Davis reacts with hostility and tells his boss that there is too much work and that's why he can't finish his work?

Is Davis responding properly to his boss' feedback? Why?

No.  Feedback is given to employees so they will know what they need to work on, or sometimes feedback is given to let employees know that they are doing a good job.  In Davis' case, is reaction is out of line considering.  If there is too much work to do, he should have let his boss know and he also should know that too much talking will not allow him to finish his work.


Mr. Preston is concerned about Robert's recent work performance.  He knows that Robert is a good worker and even has given him excellent evaluations for past work.  He decides to give Robert feedback about his concerns and asks him how he can help him get back on track.  

Is Mr. Preston a good boss for letting Robert know what is concerns are about his work or should he let Robert keep doing a bad job? Why?

Mr. Preston is a good boss.  He gives Robert feedback so he can know what his concerns are and he even offers his help.