Being more descriptive is an way to improve feedback
What is true?
Seeking feedback from one source is a good idea
What is flase?
Man I just have so much else going on
What is procrastination
The emotion associate with the statement "Why was he so mean to me"
What is hurt?
Who you practice getting feedback with
What are coworkers?
Three ways to improve feedback
What are be helpful, direct, specific, descriptive, timely, flexible?
Create a specific goal to run a faster PRT
What is run an XX:XX on this/next PRT
That guy did not deserve that promotion over me
What is jealousy
Reframing "I hate this job"
What is I should look for a job that I enjoy
What is false?
Being clear and unemotional about feed back
What is being helpful?
Both the youngster and plebe work together to set a goal
What is commitment
I'm not going to put any work into this presentation anyway
What is self sabotage
Maladaptive response to sadness
What is brooding
The first step to getting feedback
What is self assessment?
Three criteria to use for evaluative feedback
What are compare with other behavior, compare with a standard, compare with previously set goal, compare with past performance.
A person wants to loose 1 pound this year. This is a bad goal because
What is not Challenging enough
What he just said to me is super mean and I don't want to talk to anyone about it
What is brooding
Focusing on learning how to run more efficiently and then improving your cardio fitness
What is breaking up the task
Quitting your job is this step in feedback process
What is taking action
Followers will continue to seek feedback even if their leader is not competent
What is true?
Share a personal goal
Someone else in the group improve it
I think I will be able to become Brigade commander even though I have 5 conduct offenses, failed my PRT, and am unsat.
What is denial?
Maladaptive response to fear of change
The first people to go to when looking for external feedback
What are trusted peers