Dinner with Friends
What's gone wrong for men ...
Fiction and non-fiction analysis
Grammar, grammar, grammar
Try your luck?

What is the name of the main character in the short story? 

Eileen Sze 


Who wrote the article and in what magazine was it published? 

Caitlin Moran and The Guardian 


What does it mean that a short story starts in media res? 

The short story opens in the chronological middle of the plot, rather than at the beginning. We are thrown directly into the story. It does not start with an introduction or anything. 


Hvilken ordklasse er ordet "sing" I følgende sætning:

I never really know if is okay to sing in a public shower. Will people think I am weird?

Verb / udsagnsord  


In English we analyse texts within fiction og non-fiction. What is the difference between to two? Feel free to use examples in your answer. 

Fiction er tekster skrevet om begivenheder som ikke har fundet sted i virkeligheden. Historierne og fortællingerne er opdigtede. F.eks. noveller og romaner. 

Non-fiction er tekster skrevet om virkelige hændelser og som har fundet sted i virkeligheden. F.eks, avisartikler, taler og ted-talks. 


What are the names of the two friends who wants help from the main character? 

Rachel and Mallory 


What is the rest of the title? What's gone wrong for men - ...? 

and the thing that can fix them 


What are we supposed to look at when we are asked to analyse the setting 

When and where the story is set (time and place).

"Where" refers to the actual setting but also the social setting.

"When" refers to the time of the plot but also the historical setting. 


Skal der -s på udsagnsordet "deliver" i følgende sætning?

Whenever I visit my grandmother and grandfather, I have to go by my sister beforehand and deliver her packets, because she can't walk. 

Nej. Deliver bøjer sig efter subjektet "I", som er 1. person, ental. Derfor skal der IKKE -s på deliver. 

During which topic did we read the short story: "Good advice is rarer than rubies"? 

Multicultural Britain 

What was the name of the main character's puppy? 



Why have all the different men contacted the journalist with the issues of being a man? 

She had asked men on Twitter what the issues was when you are a man. 


What are the different modes of appeal and what do they appeal to? 

Logos = the appeal to numbers, reason and logic.
Pathos = the appeal to emotions.
Ethos = the appeal to trustworthiness through personal experience, experts or historical events. 


Adjektiver er ord der beskriver ...? 

Substantiver (navneord) eller pronomener (f.eks. I, you, me, he, she, it).


What is the name of the current Prime Minister in the UK? 

Keir Starmer


When was the short story written?



Who is the intended audience of the article? 

Men in general, but also women who wish to support men's equality as well. 


Name the six different aspects of The Rhetorical Pentagon?

Receiver / Audience
Intention / purpose 

Hvilken ordklasse tilhører "Book" i følgende sætning? 

I left my book at the studycafé. Now, I have to go back and get it before tomorrow. 

Navneord / substantiver. 


Name five countries that used to be British colonies 

... ask the teacher (or google). 


What is the name of the Restaurant the three friends are meeting for dinner? 



What is the intention of the article? 

1. To inform people about the overlooked issues of being a man.

2. To inform people that feminism is about equality for both genders.

3. To start a debate about a topic that is still a taboo, so that men will feel all right talking about these issues like women have done the past 50 years.


List 3 rules for writing a summary. 

1. Must be written in present Tense (nutid)
2. No quotes
3. No analysis
4. Must start with a presentation of the text with all relevant information (title, year, author, genre).
5. Covers the beginning, middle and ending proportionally. 


Forklar reglen for kongruens. Hvad handler det om/går ud på? Brug gerne et eksempel til at forklare. 

Kongruens betyder sammenhæng og det dækker over at der skal være sammenhæng mellem subjektet i en sætning og bøjningen af verbet. Når vi skal bestemme kongruens i en sætning kigger vi på om subjektet er ental eller flertal og 1, 2. eller 3. person.


I drive to school - but she driveto school. 


My GOSH you guys are brave 

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