Oral Motor Skills
Adaptive Bottles
Oral Sensory
Food Progression

A reflex that is integrated by 3-6 months where the child opens their mouth and turns toward the breast or bottle nipple.

What is the rooting reflex?


Identify one condition that will require the use of adaptive bottles?

1.Cleft lip 

2.Cleft palate 


3. Cleft lip & cleft palate


What are two sensory quadrants that results in oral aversion?

Avoiders and sensitivity low threshold.


Puree is equivelent to stage 1 baby foods and is what type of consistency?

Highly blended foods that will slide off a tilted spoon. Offered at 4-6 months of age.


What are 2 signs of aspiration for an infant?

Low grade fever, coughing, pneumonia/ upper resp. infections


Describe a typical suck-swallow-breath (SSB) pattern in reference to nutritional, efficient eating.

SSB requires consistent 3-1-1 pattern for 20 minutes per meal time nursing.


What is the difference between the Haberman Bottle and the Mead Johnson bottles?

1. Heberman - single value and single slit nipple,  turned to start and stop the flow 

Mead Johnson - single hole nipple, sqeeze to release milk

What is the difference between picky and problem feeders regarding the number of foods a young child will eat?

Problem eaters, eats < 20  foods

Picky eaters 30 or more foods


What is the most difficulty food category to eat and why?

Hard Mechanical, b/c it requires strength and ROM of rotary chewing and tongue tip elevation to move food in the mouth. 


What is the best position for an infant with reflux after eating?

Supine reclined 30 degree's with no vibration or movement.


What is a pre chewing pattern demonstrated at 3-6 months when the child starts to move the lower up and down with purree foods.

What is munching pattern.


The honey bear adaptive liquid intake container is used to help develop what oral motor skill?

What is straw use.


What is a food jag?

When a child eats the same food repeatedly and then looses interest and may "burn out" in eating a food. 


Chewing in this category of food requires rotary chewing and is presented in square size pieces OR presented in thick puree form. 

What is soft cube textures.


What are the 4 domains of the new Pediatric Feeding Disorder (acute or chronic dx)?

Medical; Nutrition; Feeding; Psychosocial


At 36-48 months, the child can bite correct size food and demonstrates what type of chewing?

What is rotary chewing?


Why is it NOT advised to add rice cereal to a bottle or to cut the bottle nipple with feedings?

The cereal will change the SSB pattern and the nipple changes will cause liquid to flow to quickly.


What is the purpose of tactile play prior to meal times?

Tactile input introduces and prepares the child to tolerate touch and self feeding. Helps child understand how to grade chewing and oral motor skills. 

Soft pizza would fall into what category of foods and why?

Soft mechanical mixed texture due to the cheese, sauce and crust. It required chewing of the food with each bite. 


Identify three graded steps in feeding intervention to tolerate acceptance of oral and tactile input?

Tolerate touch of foods with hands; then progress to lips, tongue, teeth; then bite, then bite & chew & swallow


Tongue tip elevation paired with lingual lateralization is necessary at 12-18 months of age for the functional purpose of what skill? 

To remove food from cheek and move food / bolus in the oral cavity in preparation for oral pharyngeal stage.


What type of pacifier is this? Does this support healthy oral motor development, if not why?

It is considered a NUK pacifier.. It pushed the tongue to the back of the mouth and prohibits tongue cupping, and decreases negative pressure seal.

Will a child with oral aversion and poor eating intake eventually eat once they get hungry enough?

No, children learn to take a sip of water or liquid and cut off the hunger sensation. 

What is the first "solid " food a child is offered that requires munching pattern?

Meltables and can be offered by 9 -12 months. A food that will dissolve with sucking the food, or will break down from saliva.


What is an ideal treatment intervention for a child who is NPO?

Oral stimulation especially paired during G tube feedings and during family meal time at the table.