Let you to add or edit product listings in bulk
Inventory file templates
Contains the minimum required information
Downloads easily – small file size
Features limited options and information
Lite template
Add new products
2 types of ASINs that make up a variation
Parent and Child
This report includes all of your product listings, including those with zero (0) quantity.
Active Listings Report
Accounts must be THIS in order to use Feeds
Contains everything on the Lite Template and more
Large file size
Contains all attribute groups for the selected products
Advanced template
Deactivate offer (remove all inventory and make the offer inactive).
True or False: Variation Wizard is not perfect. It does not check for errors until the file is uploaded.
This report includes listings that are active, inactive, and incomplete.
All Listings Report
True or False: We recommend that sellers never keep a backup copy of their completed template on a computer hard drive.
Contains everything on the Lite Template and more
Gives the option to generate a template with specific types of fields
Allows you to choose from types of fields, not specific fields
Custom template
For domestic expedited shipping other than Two Day or One Day
Interactive tool that allows a seller to create parent-child variation relationships in bulk using an auto-populated inventory file template
Variation Wizard
This report contains any items sold on Amazon.
Sold Listings Report
Timeframe for Category Listings report to be enabled
7 days
Where a seller can select the types of products they want to sell
Search / Product Classifier
Use when you will not offer any expedited shipping option at all
Tool you use to find variation information, such as the parent, variation theme, or its children
Variation Debugger / Vermont
The report provides the SKU, price, quantity, and ASIN for each of your current offers.
Inventory Report
Values a seller can enter in the price field of a Price & Quantity Template
0.00 / no $
Main format in which templates should be saved and uploaded
Text (Tab-delimited) / (*.txt)
Delete offer and product data, including the SKU
Anything that’s offer-specific or any field that refers to an item’s physical characteristics
fields to be left blank for Parent
Amazon-fulfilled listings are not included in this report. You can modify and update listings in the spreadsheet, and then upload it using the Inventory Loader.
Open Listings Report