When I feel happy
When I feel sad
When I feel mad
When I feel scared
When I feel lonely

How do I look when I am happy

I may smile


How do I look when I am sad?

I am not smiling. I might look down or cry


What happens to my face when I am mad?

My face might get hot or red. I might stare or frown. 


What do I feel afraid of?

Any answers are ok.


When do I feel lonely?

Any answer is good!


How can people tell that I am happy?

I am smiling or laughing or both!


When do I feel sad?

When someone in my family is sick, when I feel lonely


What things happen at school that make me mad?

That boy picks on me.

I tell the teacher but the teacher does not believe me.


How can I tell when I am scared?

I might feel very shaky. I am have trouble doing something. I might feel very worried.  


What can I do when I feel lonely?

Talk to my mom, call a friend, find something I like to do 


What things make me feel happy?

When it is my birthday or Christmas. When I get a present


What can I do to feel better?

Any ideas to feel better!


What can I do to calm down?

I can use deep breathing, count to 10, ask for help


How can I calm down if I am scared?

I can ask for help. I can think of something that makes me happy and feel relaxed. 


How can I make friends at school?

Be friendly to other kids, sit by a friend when I can, be kind to others


How can I tell my mom is happy?

She is smiling or laughing or both


How can I tell if someone in my family is sad?

They may be looking down, not talking, may be crying


How can I use STOP RELAX and THINK when I am mad?

Stop moving and talking, step back, calm down, think about my choices, make a good choice


Who can help me when I feel scared?

My mom, my family, my teacher


What are some things I can do on my own when I feel lonely?

Any answers are fine!


How can I tell my friend is happy?

She is smiling or laughing


How can I help someone who is sad?

Ideas to cheer them up, all ideas are good!


Who can help me when I am mad?

My teacher, Ms. Yazmin, my mom


How can I use STOP RELAX and THINK when I am scared?

Stop moving and talking, use deep breathing or counting to calm down, think about what to do and make a good choice. 


How can I use STOP RELAX and THINK when I feel lonely?

Stop moving and talking, think of something I like, make a good choice about what I can do