Name that Feeling
What Should You Do?
Tell Me About a Time
What If...
Act It Out

You're at the playground and two kids start to tease you. How would you feel, and what do you do?

What is afraid, sad, mad or scared?


Billy is a new student at your school, but you noticed students making fun of him, including your friends. Billy appears to be upset, and puts his head down. What should you do? 

Tell your friends to stop, and/or introduce yourself to billy. 


Tell me about a time that you felt very sad.

What helped to make it better?


What if you accidentally hurt someone else's feelings. What should you do next?

What is apologize or say you are sorry?


You see someone who is crying, who looks really down, and is not smiling at all. What feeling do you think they are experiencing?

What is sadness?


You want to play a game with a friend who tells you they don't want to play and no longer wants to be friends? 

Sad, shocked, upset, hurt. 


You are at a friend’s house. His parents have gone out for the evening. Your buddy heads straight for the liquor cabinet. You never have drunk alcohol before and you know your parents disapprove of underage drinking. But your friend promises, “you can’t smell liquor on your breath.”

What do you do?

Tell him he should not do it, go back home, tell your parents. 


Tell me about a time that you were very angry.

How did you calm down?


What if you see that someone is upset, is there anything that you can do to help?

What is be nice to them, compliment them, try and make them feel better?


You see someone with a bright red face, who is yelling and waving their arms around. How do you think they are feeling?

What is angry/mad?


Your teacher gives you a reward for all of the hard work that you have been doing in the classroom. How would you feel?

What is happy, proud or excited


You finally have a date with that hot guy/girl that you have been checking out. However, your best friend calls you and tells you that he has an extra ticket to your favorite band’s concert. You have been waiting and hoping for this date for a long time.

1. Call your date and reschedule

2. Find out how much the ticket is and invite your date 


Tell me about a time that you felt happy.

Who was there?


What if you see someone else being mean to a friend of yours? What can you do?

What is tell a grownup, tell the other person to please stop?


You see someone with a big smile on their face, who is laughing and appears to be having fun. How do you think they are feeling?

What is happy?


Your teacher tells you you have a pop test that will determine your grade in the class. You have not studied in the past week. 

Anxious, panic, nervous. 


Someone in your class cheated on a test. You know for a fact that they did. This person messed up the curve for the test. You received a D on the test.

Do you tell the teacher? Why or why not? 


Tell me about a time that you were scared.

Who helped you feel better?


What if you notice that a classmate is getting mixed up, and mixing other friends too? Is there anything that you could to?

What is to stay seperate, tell an adult to help, Move your seat so that you can only look at your teacher. Talk, and draw about it!


You see someone who is shaking and their eyes are wide and they appear to have been startled by something. What do you think they are feeling?

What is scared/nervous?


Your friend thinks it is funny to distract you and get you in trouble with your teacher in class that you are trying to pass this school year. 

 mad, disappointed annoyed, or angry?


After school some of your friends hang out at a nearby gas station. You decide to go with them one afternoon because your mom was going to be late picking you up. Once you get there, a couple of your friends pull out a vape and start smoking. They offer you a puff.

Tell them no and/or go back to school to wait for your mom


Tell me about a time that you were excited.

Did you enjoy that feeling?


What if you notice that someone is sad? What can you do to help?

What is talk to them, tell an adult?


You see someone at the end of the hall by themself beginning to hyperventilate, their body is shaking, and they consistently crying

What is Anxiety, panic attack