If it was you...
Name Me that Feeling
Tell Me About a Time
Big Deal or Little Deal?
How would you feel?

You're at the playground and two kids start to tease you about what you are wearing. How would you feel, and what do you do?

afraid, sad, mad or scared

I would ignore and walk away. 


What is he feeling

Angry, frustrated or mad


Tell me about a time that you felt very sad.

What helped to make it better?


You accidentally bumped into someone and they fell and got hurt. They are crying and their knee is bleeding. Big Deal or Little Deal?

Big Deal - someone is hurt and needs help. Even though it was an accident it is still a big deal. Remember we always apologize for accidents. 


How would you feel if you were playing and your sister stole your toy?

angry, sad, jealous


You want to play a game with a friend who is not ready to play because he has not finished his work yet. How do you feel?

sad, disappointed


What is she feeling  



Tell me about a time that you were very angry.

How did you calm down?


Jonny yelled at his mom and then cried when his pencil broke. Big deal or little deal?

Little Deal- breaking a pencil is a little deal- we can easily get a new pencil! 


Your mom gives you a sticker for all of the hard work that you have been doing. How would you feel?

happy, proud or excited


What is she feeling




Tell me about a time that you felt happy.

Who was there?


You see someone else being mean to a friend of yours and they are crying. Big Deal or Little Deal?

Big Deal- your friend has hurt feelings and needs help. Being mean to someone else is never okay.


Your parents tell you that they are going to take you to your favourite place for a treat. How do you feel? What is that favourite place?

Excited or happy


What is he feeling 



Tell me about a time that you were scared.

Who helped you feel better?


You did not get to go to your favorite store. Big Deal or Little Deal?

Little Deal- even though it may not feel good not getting to go to the store you want- you will be able to go there eventually. 


Your brother or sister knocks over your Lego tower that you spent all morning working on. How would you feel and what can you do next?

mad, disappointed or angry

Ask them to help clean up. Ask them to apologize. Ask them to help you rebuild it. 


What is she feeling




Tell me about a time that you were excited.

Did you enjoy that feeling?


You did not win in Candy Land when you were playing with your family. Big Deal or Little Deal?

Little Deal- We win some games and we lose some games. As long as we learn something and have fun!