Sad, upset
Name a time when you felt happy.
If you could live in any imaginary world (books, movies, comics, etc.), where would you live?
Smell the roses, blow out the candles.
Deep breaths
Spend time alone or spend time with friends?
Angry, Frustrated
Name a time when you felt sad.
Is there a famous person that you would really like to meet?
Give a present or receive a present?
You see someone who looks surprised and they might be breathing faster than normal.
Scared, fearful, anxious
Name a time when you felt worried.
Share a song and explain how it makes you feel.
Telling a ______ about how you are feeling.
Friend, family member, trusted adult
Talk about your feelings or write about your feelings?
Happy, excited
Name a time when you felt angry.
Who is your favorite character in a book/movie/game/comic?
Reading a book, watching a movie, painting/coloring/drawing, etc.
Distracting yourself
Never be able to laugh or never stop laughing?
You see someone who is scrunching up their nose and says "bleghhh".
Name a time when you felt scared.
What superpower would like to have?
Listening to ______.
Have 2-3 really good friends or 25 sort of good friends?