He might be feeling...
a) Sympathetic
b) Lucky
c) Kind
d) Nervous
You receive an "A" on your math test . You feel...
Happy, accomplished
Tears are running down my face, and I feel like my heart "hurts." I am feeling...
You can have more than one feeling at a time.
True! This is called mixed emotions. We feel many feelings at once.
What are some coping skills?
5-4-3-2-1 exercise, symphony of sounds, listening to music, etc
He might be feeling...
a) Hopeful
b) Lonely
c) Angry
d) Bored
You are a student about to take a test you have not studied for. You feel...
I feel a jolt running through my body, and I want to jump up and down. I'm smiling ear to ear. I am feeling...
All feelings are OK to have.
True! Feelings make us human, and it's ok to have all types of feelings.
Will the same coping skill work every time?
There might be times where a coping skill works and other times when we need to try a different coping skill.
She might be feeling...
a) Relieved
b) Scared
c) Disgusted
d) Joyful
You are a person trapped in an elevator. You feel...
My hands are sweating, and I feel like I have butterflies in my stomach. I am feeling...
Nervousness or Anxious
There are good or bad feelings.
False! All feelings are important because they are telling us something.
Are coping skills only used for feelings like anger or sadness?
Coping skills are things we do in reaction to an emotion. For example, we cope with feelings like joy by laughing.
He might be feeling...
a) Impressed
b) Confused
c) Brave
d) Amazed
You just received an unexpected gift from a friend. You feel...
I am hiding behind my hands and peering through my fingers. When I see it, I scream! I am feeling...
Ignoring your feelings makes them go away.
False. Ignoring your feelings may make them more intense. It's important to express them in a way that shows you care about the people around you.
What is something funny that happened to you recently?
He might be feeling...
a) Confident
b) Joyful
c) Irritated
d) Excited
Someone lied to you about something important. You feel...
sad, disappointed, letdown
I spit out the food. "Yuck" I say as I shake my head and squint my eyes. I am feeling...
We are not able to make good decisions when we have a BIG feeling (such as anxiety or excitement).
True! Our prefrontal cortext in our brain cannot make good decisions when we have a BIG feeling.
If you had a magic wand to change anything in the world, what would you change and how come?