What is?
Stinkin' Thinkin'
Name that Feeling
Riddle Me

You trip and fall in front of everyone at school, you may feel _____.

What is Embarrassed?


This :( is used to represent this feeling...

What is sad?


You want to try something new but you keep thinking the worst will happen is you try...

What is Catastrophic Thinking?


You have a big smile on your face, your eyes are bright, you are willing to talk and play with others, you may be feeling?

What is Happy?


You can have this once you have given this. It is earned.

What is Trust/Respect?

You sing a solo in front of a bunch of people, you may feel...

What is anxious?


This :) is used to represent this feeling...

What is happy?


The power is out and you just know that all of your food will go bad because the electricity company will not be able to turn it back on for a long time.

What is Predicting the Future?


Someone broke your favorite game/book/toy. You clinch your fists, scrunch your forehead, and start to breathing fast. You may be feeling... 

What is Angry?


You don't look up to the sky, you look down to the ground. You talk very soft. Your face turns super red because you coughed. Everyone turns to look and you want to hide under a rock.

What is Shy?


When there is no one to hang out with when you want to be around people, you may feel...

What is Lonely?


This :o can be used to represent what feeling?

What is surprised?


You are sick and your mom didn't get enough sleep a few days in a row, you know it is your fault because she is too worried about you...

What is Blaming?


You have tears in your eyes, a frown on your face, and you do not want to talk to anyone. You may be feeling...

What is Sad?


I am not a real person but I have many, many emotions. What am I?

What is an emoji?


You think someone treated you badly or was mean to you, you may feel...

What is Angry?


This <3 can be used to represent what feeling...

What is love?


Someone got you a new iPad, you wanted a silver one but they got you the gray. You are disappointed because it is not the color you wanted.

What is Focusing on the Negative?


You come home after a long day and all you want to do is lay down in your bed. You may be feeling...

What is Tired?


I'd paint this feeling in orange and black because it's fun to be around Halloween. A haunted house causes goose bumps to come, it's so dark in there I want to scream.

What is Scared?


Your best friend starts to spend a lot of time with someone else, you may feel...

What is Jealous?


This :l  can be used to represent this feeling...

What is uncertain, unsure, shy, hesitant?


You think to yourself: I should have said this during a conversation and everything would be better. I did the wrong thing because that is not how it should have gone.

What is "Should" Thinking?


You have a huge smile on your face, your heart is beating fast, you want to jump up and down, you may be feeling...

What is Excited/Surprised?


You stomp and scream, you may even hit something. Your face turns red and you later may regret what you said. You may kick and punch because you didn't like the lunch.

What is Angry?