How do you think this person is feeling?
Prompt: This feeling can happen when you win a game or hear good news.
Answer: What is joy?
Prompt: People might feel this when they receive a hug or see something they love.
Answer: What is happiness?
This feeling makes you want to laugh, dance, or sing because everything feels great.
When you lose your favorite toy or don’t get invited to a party, you might feel this way.
What is sad?
This feeling can happen when something bad happens, like losing a pet.
What is sorrow?
People may feel this when they hear sad news or see a sad movie scene.
What is grief?
This feeling makes you want to cry and can leave you feeling heavy inside.
What is sadness?
Synonyme of sad
You feel ________ when things don’t go your way, like when you lose a game or are treated unfairly.
When someone is feeling this, they might clench their fists or shout.
What is angry?
People might feel this when they are frustrated, like when waiting in a long line.
What is irritation?
This feeling can make your face turn red, your heart race, and your voice rise in volume.
What is rage?
What is furious?
This feeling happens when something unexpected happens, like when you get a surprise gift.
What is surprise?
When someone feels this, their eyes might widen and their mouth might open in shock.
What is surprised?
You might feel this when you hear unexpected news, like finding out you're going on a trip.
What is astonishment?
This feeling can make your heart race and your mind race when something sudden happens.What is amazement?
What is amazement?
This feeling happens when you are afraid of something.
When someone feels this, they might shake, freeze, or cover their eyes.
You might feel this when you’re in the dark or hear something unexpected at night.
What is fright?
What is fright?
This feeling makes your heart race and your body feel tense when you’re worried about something dangerous.