I feel _______ when I get a new pet
I feel afraid when ___________
Student response
I feel __________ when it is my birthday.
Happy OR excited.
Name three positive or comfortable emotions.
Happy, excited, surprised, fulfilled, content, interested, relieved.
I feel ________ when somebody pushes me.
I feel ____________ when I get in trouble
Angry or disappointed or sad
I feel ___________ when I am tired at school.
Bored, frustrated
I feel _________ when I do not get my way.
Disappointed, angry, sad
I feel ___________ when I am by myself for a long time.
I feel ________ when I want to be alone but others keep talking to me.
I feel ___________ when I try to win a game but someone else wins.
Disappointed OR discouraged OR frustrated OR annoyed.
I feel __________ when I find a dollar in my sock drawer.
Surprised or happy
I feel ___________ when I do not understand my teacher.
I feel __________ when I try something hard for the first time.
nervous, anxious, worried, scared, excited
I feel ________ when things in my life are good.
Content OR good.
I feel ________ when I answer a question wrong in my class and everyone laughs.
I feel __________ when I try my best on my school work.
Proud or happy.
I feel ____________ when someone throws a party for me that I didn't know about.
I feel ___________ when I look for my favorite toy for a long time and then I find it.
I feel __________ when I lose my favorite shirt.
Name 3 uncomfortable emotions.
Sad, disappointed, discouraged, bored, frustrated, annoyed, angry, hurt, lonely, jealous, worried, afraid, embarrassed.
I feel ____________ when I have to wait in a line for a long time.
Annoyed or bored
I feel __________ when my friend breaks his promise.
I feel ____________ when I get to play outside.
Excited, happy
I feel ___________ when I win.
Excited or happy