I feel _______ when it is my birthday....
What is happy or excited?
Name 3 positive emotions....
What is: happy, excited, surprised, fulfilled, content, interested or relieved?
I feel ________ when someone pushes me.....
What is angry?
I feel _______when I do not get my way.....
What is disappointed, angry or sad?
I feel ______ when I am by myself for a long time....
What is lonely?
I feel _______ when I want to be alone but others keep talking to me.....
What is annoyed?
I feel ______ when I do not understand my teacher...
What is frustrated?
I feel _______ when I try something hard for the first time....
What is nervous, anxious, worried, scared or excited?
I feel _______ when things in my life are good....
What is content or good?
I feel ____________ when someone throws a party for me that I didn't know about....
What is surprised?
I feel _______ when I look for my favorite toy for a long time and then I find it.....
What is relieved?
I feel _______ when I lose my favorite shirt.....
What is sad?
I feel _______ when I don't earn gym time...
What is disappointed?
I feel ________ when I get to play outside.....
What is excited or happy?
I feel _______ when I win.....
What is excited or happy?