What holiday is celebrated with lots of parties and people wearing the color green?
Saint Patrick's Day
What Color do we wear on Saint Patrick's Day?
What town is the Felician 21 and Over Program in?
This Disney movie features a young princess who wants to leave the ocean and explore the land
The Little Mermaid
March is the beginning of what season?
500 bonus points if you can name what the first of that season is.
The Vernal Equinox or Spring Equinox
What Math Holiday is celebrated on March 14th?
It's named after a certain popular desert.
Pi Day
3.1415926 etc
What country is the origin of Saint Patrick's Day?
Name one Staff member whose Birthday in March
Ariel, Grace, Claudia, Jake, Sue, Dana Barton
Name as many of the Seven Dwarves as you can.
100 Points for each Dwarf named
Doc, Sleepy, Grumpy, Sneezy, Happy, Bashful, Dopey
What event in March causes us to change the clocks by one hour?
Extra 100 Points: Do we move are clocks forward or backwards?
Daylight Savings Time
Bonus Point- Spring forward (We lose an hour :( )
What two holidays were celebrated this week?
One was on Tuesday and is known for BIG parties and parades.
One was on Wednesday and is Christians go to church and get something put on their foreheads.
Mardi Gras
Ash Wednesday
What is the date of Saint Patrick's Day?
March 17th
Name one client whose birthday is in the month of March
Rhoda, Dong Jin, Breiner, Steven, Andre, Tommy
In the Lion King, what is the phrase that means no worries for the rest of your days?
What Roman God (or Planet) was the month of March named after?
This Muslim holiday lasts all of March and celebrates renewal and community. The people will often fast from sun up to sun down.
What three-leafed plant is one of the symbols of Saint Patrick's Day?
(Hint it's not a four-leafed clover)
What color is Felician Friday tomorrow?
In Beauty and the Beast, what item is falling apart and is the timer for the Beast's curse?
A flower/Rose
The NCAA Division 1 Basketball tournament happens every March, what is the tournament called?
March Madness
The Hindu Festival of Colors is celebrated by through colorful powders on each other to celebrate love and springtime?
What colors are the flag of Ireland?
Green, White, and Orange
Many Felician staff are parents. Can you give us the name of one of the children of a staff member?
I dunno
What is the name of the family from the movie Encanto?
March comes in like what animal?
A) Rabbit
B) Lion
C) Koala Bear
D) Deer
B) Lion