What are the types of triads?
Major, Minor, Augmented, and Diminished.
The most commonly seen rhythm for a whole note?
F-Sharp is the relative minor to which major?
A major.
Another name for a whole note?
What is solfege?
Do, re, mi,...
What are the formal names of triads and scales?
Tonic, Supertonic, Mediant, Subdominant, Dominant, Submediant, Leading tone, and Tonic.
What is a half note rest?
A minim
What is another name for Natural Minor?
The Aeolian Mode.
What is an interval?
The musical distance between two pitches.
Enharmonic pitches
Pitches that have at least two different, sometimes three names.
What is a cadence?
A melodic or harmonic progression that creates a pause in the music.
How many beats does a triplet have?
One third of a beat.
Whats the difference between a Harmonic Minor and a Natural Minor?
The seventh note is sharpened.
What are ledger lines?
The lines and spaces above or below a staff to extend the notation higher or lower.
What are dynamics?
I.E; pp: very sopt, pianissimo
What chords create a perfect cadence?
C major, G7 and C.
Extends the duration of a note.
What is so special about melodic minor?
What is Adagio?
The C Major Scale is an example of:
A diatonic Scale
What is a seventh chord?
Chords built on each degree of the major scale.
What does a dotted note do?
Indicates a duration is extended by half of its duration again.
How do you find the relative minor of a major?
Find out which note sits a minor third above the tonic of the minor.
What is the tonic note?
First note of the scale.
What are microtones?
Intervals smaller than a semitone.