I am dancing.
Estoy bailando.
¿Cuántos años tiene Señor Aguirre? Es veinte más quince. (spell out the answer)
Treinta y cinco
This actor plays Buddy the Elf in the 2003 Christmas Classic, Elf.
Will Ferrell
This 🐐 GOAT has worn two different jersey numbers in his NBA career: 23 and 6.
LeBron James
The blue water.
El agua azul.
You are studying.
Estás estudiando.
In Dungeons & Dragons, you roll a die of this many sides to determine the majority of outcomes in the game.
"ponche de huevo" is the Spanish name for this Christmas holiday favorite beverage
How many players per team are on the ice at once during an ice hockey game?
Six (5 skaters, 1 goalie)
(He) is resting.
Está descansando.
The 2024 movie Wicked takes place in the same magical world as this 1939 film and book series by Frank L. Baum.
The Wizard of Oz
In the "12 Days of Christmas" what did my true love give me on the 3rd day?
Three French Hens
This country is the smallest country in the world, with a landmass of 0.19 square miles. It is located inside a city in Italy.
Vatican City
We are drawing.
Estamos dibujando.
Stephen Hillenburg created this TV show about a marine invertebrate of the metazoan phylum.
SpongeBob SquarePants
The day after Christmas, December 26th, is known as this Holiday, which sounds like a certain combat sport.
Boxing Day
This former US Vice President shot and killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel in Weehawken, New Jersey, 1804.
Aaron Burr
el techo
They (plural) are working.
Están trabajando.
1st child name: Famous real life princess from the 90s and Wonder Woman's fictional first name.
2nd child name: Comedian _______ Williams or a Batman sidekick.
Diana & Robin
When the Earth's axis tilts furthest from the sun, this natural phenomenon occurs, marking the beginning of a season.
Winter Solstice
11 x 11 = ?