What does Las Posadas represent
María and Jose looking for shelter
Wise Men(Kings)
Name an animal in the Nacimiento
el camello, el burro, la oveja
What are uvas
How many piñatas are at las Posadas
When does it take place
9 days before la Navidad
What do the kids put out for presents
Their shoe, el zapato
What type of building did it take place in
a stable
How many uvas are eaten on Nochevieja
What is an oveja
A sheep
Where does Las Posadas take place
When is it
January 6th
What is the Nacimiento showing
When do they eat the uvas
At midnight
How do you say New Year
Año Nuevo
What does Las Posadas translate to
Shelter or inn
What are the three gifts they brought? Can you say them in Spanish?
la mirra, el oro, el incienso
What does Nacimiento translate to
Nativity scene
Why are the uvas eaten
For good luck
How do you say Nochebuena in English
Christmas Eve
What animal did María ride
El Burro (donkey)
Name one of the kings
Gaspar, Melchor, and Baltazar
Name a person in the Nacimiento
María, Jose, el niño Jesus, un ángel, los pastores, los Reyes Magos
Where did the tradition start
Puerta del Sol
What are our names
Jess, Rafi, Carlos, and Tate