Music Math
Fellas of Future Past
Duo Pros
Sweet Home Chicago

How Kanye keeps it "like the Romans" + How many fewer problems Ariana Grande has without you = This number

What is 301?


In what is quite possibly his most (and only) romantic song, Justin Timberlake composed this song for his wife after their marriage.

What is Mirrors?


Originally a basketball star, this athlete played in the baseball major leagues before a game with the Mon-stars inspired him to return to the court.

Who is Michael Jordan?


Starring Macaulay Culkin, this wacky Christmas movie was filmed a little further out in the suburbs than other Chicago movies, taking place at 671 Lincoln Ave  

What is Home Alone?


Renowned and loved by the world over, this iconic tourist spot in Memphis, Tennesee also happens to be the 9th largest Pyramid in the world.

What is the Bass Pro Shop Pyramid?


The number of miles The Proclaimers would walk in the title of their hit song x how many it takes to tango according to Louis Armstrong = This number

What is 1000?


Marking his first score on the Billboard Top 100, former internet star "Filthy Frank" managed to become an international pop star with the help of this song.

What is Slow Dancing in the Dark?


Before his groundbreaking career with the Dodgers, both in athletics and civil rights, this baseball player played in four different sports at UCLA and lettered in all of them.

Who is Jackie Robinson?


While probably not a compliment to the city, many Chicago natives love to point out that their city was the setting used for this famous superhero movie

What is Batman Begins/What is Batman the Dark Knight?


If you roll two six-sided dice, this number is the most likely total of those two dice

What is 7?


The number of guns in the title of a certain Green Day song - The Age of a Dancing Queen, young and sweet = This number

What is 4?

Made by formerly-good band Imagine Dragons, this song is the most played song the AcaFellas have ever performed, with over 2.9 Billion listens on Spotify

What is Believer?


Widely considered the greatest baseball-football star of all time, this athlete's career ended in a heartbreaking fashion when he received a hip injury playing against the Cincinnati Bengals.

Who is Bo Jackson?


Probably the most quintessential Chicago movie, this film depicts two former members of a jazz band attempting to get the band back together to save the orphanage they grew up in.

What is The Blues Brothers?


The sculptor Anish Kapoor came up with this pretentious name for his sculpture when it opened in 2006, and he gets really mad when you call it by its more famous nickname "The Bean"

What is Cloudgate?


The number of times "Pyramids" is said in Frank Ocean's Pyramids x The number The Weeknd is less than in his hit song off of Dawn FM

What is 0?


Performed by the AcaFellas in Loyola's Crown Center in the Spring of 2024, this song by One Direction is considered by veteran fellas to be the worst-performed song they have ever sung.

What is Night Changes?


Despite being known for his ability to perform in the snow, this Winter Olympics champion, perhaps unsurprisingly, has also been successful in multiple skating competitions.

Who is Shaun White?


While famous for his role in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Los Angeles, Will Smith also spent some time in Chicago where they set this futuristic film.

What is I, Robot?


Well known for its speed, this bird can dive towards prey at speeds of 240 miles per hour, making it the animal kingdom's fastest creature.

What is the Peregrine Falcon?


This number is the sum of the iconic phone number chorus of Tommy Tutone's hit song "Jenny"'s digits added together.

What is 38?


Featured in the hit Pixar Movie Cars, this old doo-wop performed by the AcaFellas is the only song in their history that was sung with instrumental accompaniment.

What is Sh-Boom?


Although this athlete is known as a hall-of-fame NFL runningback, he might have been even better at lacrosse; this player was the captain and MVP of his lacrosse team in college at Syracuse

Who is Jim Brown?


While technically taking place in the air for most of the movie, there was only one airport large enough for the making of this comedy movie in 1980

What is Airplane!?


This famous painting by Salvador Dali shows a young Adolf Hitler performing this act

What is Masturbation?