This parable teaches us about forgiveness and features a father who welcomes his lost son back home.
The Parable of the Prodigal Son
What song has : “Make His grace shine upon you, and be gracious to you.” in it?
The Blessing - Elevation Worship
Who has more goals in their career? Cristiano Ronaldo or Messi?
Cristiano Ronaldo- 915 goals
Messi - 850 goals
Cynophobia is the fear of what?
What type of animal was Ross’s pet In the tv-show “FRIENDS”?
Jesus was crucified on this hill outside Jerusalem.
What song has: “ And i know its not much but I’ve got nothing else fit for a king.” in it?
Gratitude- Brandon Lake
What are the colors of the Olympic Rings?
Blue,Yellow,black,green, Red
How many pairs of ribs does the human body consist of?
What Disney film features the song, “Life is a Highway”?
This verse starts with: “ The Lord is my light and salvation. Whom shall i fear?”
Psalms 27:1
What song has: “ I’ve traded my sorrow for something to sing.” in it?
Goodbye Yesterday - Elevation Rhythm
What was the professional Nickname of the Filipino boxer, Manny Pacquiao?
Who was the only US president to be elected 4 times?
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Michael, Dwight, and Jim are part of what famous Tv-show?
The Office
Jesus fed the 5000 people with just five loaves of bread and two fish. What did the disciples have to collect afterwards?
Leftovers : 12 baskets of bread and fish
Guess the song in the first 10 seconds
Take it all - Hillsong United
Who holds the NBA record for most points in their career?
Lebron James with 41,641 points.
What year did WWII begin?
For which 1964 musical blockbuster did Julie Andrews win the Academy Award for best actress?
1964 Mary Poppins
Name one of the two books of the Bible that don’t mention God’s name.
Esther , Song of Solomon
Guess the song in the first 5 seconds.
Oceans - Hillsong United
In soccer, which country won the 2006 FIFA WORLD CUP?
What is the tiny piece at the end of the shoelace called?
An aglet
If you watch the Marvel movies in chronological order, what movie would you watch first?
Captain America - The First Avenger