Fill in the blank

What is an internal locus of control?

Holding the belief that one can influence events and outcomes in his or her life as opposed to blaming others/society.


A primary goal of feminist therapy is ...

empowerment or to assist individuals in viewing themselves as active agents on their own behalf and on behalf of others (Corey, 2017, p. 345).


Morales is a 25-year-old Latina female who starting working at a law firm shortly after graduating with her law degree. She senses that she is being discriminated against when it comes to being picked for representing certain clients and feels she feel she only gets the "low-end cases". She also has taken note of other women at her firm being treated similarly, yet the other women feel like they should "just be grateful to be at the firm". Morales is beginning to feel that she is facing a battle that she can't win. She is starting to also question her worth and abilities. What is an example of a statement a feminist therapist might make when hearing Morales' concerns?

Answer may vary


A word that describes a group that is placed on the outer fringes of social and political access or privilege.



_______ are not necessarily excluded from Feminist Therapy because of their gender. 



What concept or principle from feminist therapy could be incorporated in your counseling practice regardless of your theoretical orientation?

Answer may vary.


Therapists can use this application, or principle when working with men to help them reflect on the environment in which their values were created.

Cultural-relational theory


The personal is _____.



Feminist therapy aims to include social change as well as individual change. How competent will you be in facilitating work with your clients in that area of social action?

Answer may vary.


what kind of relationship is marked by authenticity, mutuality, and respect?

egalitarian relationship


______-________, in which women came together to share their experiences and perceptions, helped individual women become aware that they were not alone.

consciousness-raising groups


A unique approach to understanding the roles that women and men with diverse social identities and experiences have been socialized to accept and to bringing this understanding into the therapeutic process. 

feminist perspective