Something laced with fentanyl means it...
What is contains fentanyl?
A chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite adverse consequences is called...
What is addiction?
People go to these meetings to get support from others who have struggled with addiction.
What is Support Group
This drug is known as an opioid antagonist...
What is Narcan/Nalaxone?
Some ways to battle addiction and maintain sobriety would be...
What is a peer support group (e.g. Narcotics Anonymous)?
What is going to the gym and getting ripped?
What is meditation and yoga?
What is journaling?
Fentanyl is this much more potent on average than other opioids...
What is 50-100 times?
A symptom of fentanyl addiction can be characterized by...
What is extreme happiness, nausea, confusion, sedation, or unconsciousness?
A person struggling with fentanyl use may need to cut ties with p....
What is people who enable substance use, setting boundaries is an example of avoiding triggers.
This product helps identify fentanyl in a drug...
What are testing strips?
Irritability, chills, sweating, and restlessness are all symptoms of...
What is fentanyl withdrawal?
This many grains of salt is equivalent to a lethal dose of fentanyl...
What is four grains?
Used in a clinical setting, which individuals or situations can benefit from fentanyl...
What are cancer patients?
What are terminally ill patients?
What is chronic pain?
This professional can help someone learn ways to stay away from drugs.
Who Is Drug Counsellor
This filler is the leading cause of overdoses...
What is fentanyl?
Using a "filler" substance to add to the overall weight of the drug is called...
What is cutting (a drug)?
Between the year 2021 and 2022, approximately this percentage (ballpark range) of all overdose deaths were caused by fentanyl...
What is 67%?
Other forms of addiction include...
What is media consumption (e.g. TikTok, TV)?
What is sugar?
What is caffeine?
A type of therapy that promotes health and well-being by engaging in meaningful, purposeful activities is called...
What is occupational therapy?
IV drug users often contract diseases through this mechanism...
What is needle sharing?
This program Harm Reduction program has never resulted in the death of a participant...
What is a Supervised Injection Site?
Fentanyl is mixed with other drugs in order to make them...
What is more potent?
Whip and Nae Nae for points!
Now watch me whip, now watch me nae nae!
Doing this activity that increases blood flow, can help reduce stress and cravings.
Substance added to pharmaceuticals to aid in the manufacturing and stabilization of the product...
What is a filler?
These three seemingly simple words reveals how truly flawed society's view on addicts are...
What is "It's their fault"?