Sign and Symptoms
Patches, pills and powder
True or False, Users often take Fentanyl without being aware they are taking it?
True or False, Fentanyl drug potency is so high it can cause respiratory failure ?
True , The drug’s potency is so strong that it can reach the brain within minutes, triggering respiratory failure.
True or False, when an overdose occurs medical help will treat it as a poison
True, it is then considered a poison
What are forms that Fentanyl can emerge?
as a powder; spiked on blotter paper; mixed with or substituted for heroin; or as tablets that mimic other, less potent opioids.
When prescribed by a physician, fentanyl is administered by :
When prescribed by a physician, fentanyl is often administered via injection, transdermal patch, or in lozenges
How many opioid death's we're there across Ontario in 2015?
529 opioid deaths
What is the original use for Fentanyl?
Fentanyl is used to treat chronic pain, or manage pain after surgery
Describe one effect that may entice users to try fentanyl?
Like heroin, morphine, and other opioid drugs, fentanyl works by binding to the body's opioid receptors, which are found in areas of the brain that control pain and emotions.9 When opioid drugs bind to these receptors, they can drive up dopamine levels in the brain's reward areas, producing a state of euphoria and relaxation
Define blotter paper?
Definition: Blotting paper, sometimes called bibulous paper, is a highly absorbent type of paper or other material. It is used to absorb an excess of liquid substances (such as ink or oil) from the surface of writing paper or objects.
What is the percentage of deaths from fentanyl has risen by how much over the last three years?
The number of drug overdose deaths involving fentanyl has risen from five percent to 25 per cent over the last three years.
How many related deaths from fentanyl in Ontario?
162 deaths we're related to Fentanyl
Define clandestine laboratory
Definition: A clandestine laboratory is simply defined as a place where preparation of illegal substances takes place. These 'labs' are used to manufacture drugs, explosives and even biological or chemical weapons. Most often, the labs are used to manufacture methamphetamine, a potent illegal stimulant drug.
Name four symptoms of an overdose
Confusion, Dizziness, Difficulty thinking, speaking, or walking, Pale face, Blue- or purple-colored lips, fingernails, or extremities, Throwing up, Choking sounds, Pinpoint pupils (pupil size reduced to small black circles in middle of eyes) Seizures, Low blood pressure, Slowed heart rate, Excessive drowsiness, Frequent fainting spells (nodding off), Limp body, Unresponsive, Coma, Difficulty breathing, Hypoventilation (slow, shallow breathing), Respiratory arrest, and Death.
What are three ways fentanyl can be ingested?
People can swallow, snort, or inject fentanyl, or they can put blotter paper in their mouths so that fentanyl is absorbed through the mucous membrane.
Fentanyl was developed in what year?
1959 by a belgian chemist
Fill in the Blank: In the first 10 months of 2016, there were _______ unintentional overdose deaths from illicit drugs in BC
622 unintentional overdoses from illicit drugs.
Can a use fentanyl patch still have dangerous effects, and what is the proper way to dispose them?
Yes used patches can still have a dangerous effect, even with it being on the body it can be dangerous to others who come into contact with you. The proper way to discard a patch is the adhesive side of the patch should be folded together and then the patch should be flushed down the toilet.
What is the name of the drug that reverses the effects of opioid overdoses?
Naloxone is a medicine that reverses overdoses due to opioids like fentanyl and can save lives in overdose situations
Name four street names for fentanyl?
Street names for fentanyl or for fentanyl-laced heroin include Apache, China Girl, China White, Dance Fever, Friend, Goodfella, Jackpot, Murder 8, TNT, and Tango and Cash.
Define Opioid ?
Opioids are substances that act on opioid receptors to produce morphine-like effects.Opioids are most often used medically to relieve pain, and by people addicted to opioids
How many of those deaths in BC we're linked to fentanyl ?332, 408, 273?
332 deaths we're linked to fentanyl
How do suppliers hide fentanyl, and why is it coming from China?
It is hidden in packages coming into Canada, and because a country that is, in turn, at the centre of the vast underground world of synthetic-drug manufacturers. Enforcement is fragmented, and companies operate with impunity.
How much more potent is Fentanyl compared to morphine?
50 to 100 times more potent
Why is Fentanyl highly addictive?
Fentanyl is also a very short-acting drug which means it quickly becomes addictive to users who want to maintain their high.
Describe what to do when an overdose occurs?
Fentanyl overdose treatment should begin immediately upon recognizing that an overdose is happening. If the overdose is caused by a patch or lozenge, then the first step is to remove the remaining fentanyl to avoid reinforcing or adding to the amount already absorbed in the user’s system. From there, medical professionals treat the fentanyl as a poison. Depending on when the drug was taken last, the user’s stomach may be pumped to remove as much of the drug as possible before it is absorbed into the bloodstream. Activated charcoal may also be used to the same thing. Doing so will not counteract the overdose symptoms already present, but it can prevent further damage from increased absorption of the drug