The name game
Social Media
Remember when
Wild card

This three letter name is a middle name shared amongst many relatives belonging to the Swan Family.

What is Mae?


This member of the Ferguson Family has a snap chat story titled "Beefcake" 

Who is Brynn?


This fluffy member of the family is celebrating his 10th birthday in Spring 2023.

Who is Milo?


Remember when The Ferguson Family moved to Fort Qu'Appelle and had their van stolen nearly immediately? This vehicle is what brought the kids to school at FQECS the day afterwards, prompting a few raided eyebrows from students and teachers alike.

What is a Cop Car?


The name of the nearby park the Ferguson kids frequented in Fort Qu'Appelle.

What is Kinsmen Park?


The name of the Ferguson Kid's first hamster.

What is Jupiter?


Brian's current facebook profile photo is this young guy curled up on his bed.

Who is Whiskey?


This pet is the only purebred animal on the Ferguson and in-laws roster.

Who is Iggy? 


Remember when Kristian gave a wedding speech about a trip down the stairs gone wrong? The claim was that Rebecca willingly sat in a ________ and asked to be pushed down the stairs.

What is a rubbermaid?


This musical video game had been a staple of many Ferguson weekends and holidays, featuring songs such as crushcrushcrush, Creep, and Nine in the Afternoon.

What is Rock Band?


Ronan's middle name of Stewart is an honor name, a nod to this member of Cameron's family.

Who is Grandpa Stew (Stewart)?


This member of the Ferguson Family currently holds the title of "most Tik Tok followers" with a follower count of 716

Who is Brynn?


Marley the cat's name came from this amalgamation of a Ferguson Family member's name and a family friend's name. 

What is Maeve and Carly?


Remember when cereal boxes came with computer games? This animal based simulator-style game was a favorite amongst the Ferguson kids.

What is Zoo Tycoon?


This Regina baseball team had a Ferguson in-law as a pitcher.

What is the Red Sox?


This Ferguson has the shortest name in the family by a technicality. 

Who is Brynn Ferguson?


This Ferguson-adjacent family member has a singular social media profile that is left entirely dormant, with a profile picture dating back to January of 2017.

Who is Cameron Zirk?


This feline duo of Hermione and Lisbeth are both named after fictional characters, the latter being named after a main character from this Thriller novel.

What is The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo?


Remember when mom cut the tip of her finger off? This is who she was on the phone with when it happened.

Who is Rebecca?


This is Ronan's favorite Wiggle.

Who is Emma Wiggle?


This is the full name of Mandy's maternal Grandmother.

Who is Sarah Mae Pearl Swan?


This is the name of the first photo album Mandy uploaded on Facebook.

What is Marvel's 40th Birthday?


This type of reptile belonged to Brian when we lived in the Victoria Avenue townhouse, which met its demise by refusing the swim in the tank and letting itself dry out at the top of its enclosure.

What is a Newt?


Remember when the Ferguson's lived in Fort Qu'Appelle, on the street right across from the cul-de-sac? This was our street address.

What is 21 Echo Drive?


The black and white photo in the sitting room of the Ferguson home was photographed at this seasonal campground and golf course location.

What is Sherwood Forest?