Payment Processing
Auto Fill

You must document all payments, including payment amounts and confirmation numbers in either of these 2 locations on the customer's account.

What are call dispositions or in a case?


Marketing programs customers participate in as well as offers they received via direct mail, email or other forms of marketing are called by this name in Sales Force.

What are campaigns?


This web browser works best with the website and is recommended for use with it.

What is Google Chrome?


This technique is mandatory and must be done in CX One phone system before taking the customer's credit card/debit card number. It stops the call recording process in our system.

What is "Masking"


If you forgot your password for MFG.COM you will be prompted for this information from the forgot login screen.

What is account number and username?


You cannot collect a payment without an email address. If the customer does not have an email address use which email address instead?

What is


What crucial information must be updated & current for Auto Fill purposes?

What is Demand Forecasting?


This form of payment links the customer's checking or saving account & routing number directly for payment processing.

What is ACH?


These 3 items are pre-requisite to being enrolled in the Auto Fill service and must be met by the customer.

What is:

Credit Approved

Current of Propane Payments

Tank is readily accessible and free of all barriers


New accounts w/in 24 hrs of creation or regained accounts need this for payment processing in Speedpay.

What is E-Princeton Number


Name 3 considerations that must be taken into account before customer can be enrolled in Auto Fill Service. 

  • What is?
  • Tank Size Greater than 120 (small tanks with monitor only)
  • TTM to support 2 tank fills per year 
  • Primary Residence 
  • Predictable Appliances, primary heat-furnace
  • Then generate case to LS with that info, along with current tank %
  • No Barriers to Tank. Customer cannot have gate. We must have access to tank at all times. If barrier, cant be keep full
  • On new accounts we need to gather a history of atleast 5 fills before we decide on authorizing an AutoFill Account
  • Credit Approved