When do people celebrate it?
February 14th
Why do people celebrate Christmas?
When was the Gunpowder Plot?
5th November 1605.
What do people do?
Give romantic gifts, flowers, cards, chocolates etc
What do they do?
They give gifts.
What is the special food?
Toffee, toffee apples or parkin (in Yorkshire).
Where did Valentines Day start?
Why are the clothes that Father Christmas wears red and white?
It was originally part of a Coca-Cola promotion.
What is the name of the man who tried to blow up the government?
Guy Fawkes.
Which region of the world spends the most money on Valentines Day gifts?
East Asia
What are you supposed to do when you find yourself under the mistletoe.
Can you sing the special song?
"Remember, remember, the 5th of November, Gunpowder, treason and plot".
What is the ancient Roman festival called?
What do people traditionally put on top of a Christmas tree?
An angel or star.
Which film is inspired by Guy Fawkes?
V For Vendetta.