FASD Diagnoses
Cognitive/Behavioral Outcomes
Mental Health
Interventions for Children

what FASD diagnosis corresponds to the following criteria:

-confirmation of mother drinking during pregnancy is necessary 

-show at least 2 of the facial abnormalities: flat philtrum, thin upper lip, small eye opening 

-prenatal or postnatal growth deficiency (<10%)

-evidence of CNS abnormalities: small head circumference, structural brain abnormality, signs of cognitive/behavioral neurodevelopmental abnormalities 

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) with confirmed maternal alcohol exposure 


what are the difficulties that children with FASD face with visual-perceptual skills?

- little impairment on facial recognition tasks 

- perform poorly on copying relatively complex shapes 


what percentage of children with FASD are diagnosed with at least one psychiatric disorder? 

(get with 10% range of actual number = correct) 


(vs the 40% non-FASD children)


what skills does the 12 week program for the teaching of social skills through friendship work on? 

(name 3 of the 5)

Conversational skills

Making good first impressions

Handling rejection

Handling bullying

Being a good host


Fill in the blank: 

prenatal alcohol exposure is the leading (blank) cause of ID and birth defects 



what FASD diagnosis corresponds to the following criteria:

- at least 2 of the facial abnormalities: flat philtrum, thin upper lip, small eye openings

-Evidence of CNS abnormalities: Small head circumference, structural brain abnormality, signs of cognitive/behavioral neurodevelopmental abnormalities

- suspected prenatal exposure 

FAS without confirmation of maternal alcohol exposure 


what are the difficulties children with FASD face with social sense?

-impairments in social skills/social communication 

-related to executive functions (e.g., impulsivity)


True or false: 

adults with FASD are at higher rates of internalizing and externalizing problems but at a decreased risk for suicide attempts 


they are at higher rates of internalizing and externalizing problems but they are also at an increased risk for suicide attempts


what types of medications are children with FASD prescribed?

Stimulant medications -> hyperactivity/impulsivity improved, inattention does not

Children with FASD on neuroleptic medications (antipsychotics) benefitted more from social skills training


what year was it when scientists first started to study FASD?

(get within 10 years = correct)



what FASD diagnosis corresponds to the following criteria:

- two or more facial abnormalities: Flat philtrum, thin upper lip, small eye openings

- growth deficiency OR CNS/neurodevelopmental abnormalities 

Partial Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (pFAS) with confirmation of maternal alcohol exposure 


what are the difficulties children with FASD face with Number sense?

- show more difficulties with math 

-less activation in frontal-parietal regions associated with number estimation 



Prenatal exposure is the strongest predictor of alcohol use in adolescence and alcohol related problems later in life



how long/how often are the language and literacy training sessions?

(bonus +50 points if you can get how many months this treatment is undergone!)

two 30-minute sessions 2x/week for 9 months 


what were the 3 features seen in the 11 children of women who were known to drink alcohol throughout pregnancy when FASD was first being studied?

1)growth deficiency 

2)facial abnormalities 

3) CNS dysfunction


what FASD diagnosis corresponds to the following criteria:

-confirmed maternal alcohol use during pregnancy 

-congenital abnormalitites in one or more organ systems

-at least two of the facial abnormalities:Flat philtrum, thin upper lip, small eye openings

Alcohol-related Birth Defects (ARBD)


what are the two elementary functions effected by FASD?

1) orientating responses to auditory stimuli; prenatal alcohol exposure causes slower processing of visual/auditory stimuli which causes more errors

2) eyeblink conditioning: classical conditioning with the puff of air on eye example where children with FASD are impaired with learning this task 


prenatal exposure to one or more episodes of binge drinking were significantly more likely to meet the criteria for specific disorders as adults: 

(name 2 of these disorders) 

Somatoform disorder, substance dependance/abuse disorder, paranoid personality disorder (PD), passive-aggressive PD, antisocial PD


what is the "car-engine" metaphor used in class to describe the self-regulation intervention for children with FASD?

how fast can they make their engine run is based on regulating their behavior


what are the structural damages to the brain that can be seen in an MRI?

Reduced brain volume, alteration of shape

Reduction in corpus callosum, caudate nucleus, cerebellum -> effects the communication between hemispheres, issues with movement, and balance


what FASD diagnosis corresponds to the following criteria:

- confirmed maternal alcohol use during pregnancy 

- CNS/neurodevelopmental abnormalities 

- normal growth pattern, typical facial features 

Alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND)


what are the 5 complex functions that are effected by FASD?

1) intellectual ability: IQ average between 70-85

2) attention: difficulty with complex attentional tasks, but not simple ones 

3) executive functions: difficulty with complex planning problems, but not simple ones 

4) language: mixed results; some studies show many impairments -> one found that children of moderate drinkers performed better on academic achievement test than children of light drinkers 

5) memory and learning: "what is learned one day is gone in the next", hippocampus highly sensitive to effects of alcohol exposure, perform better recognition vs. free-recall tasks 


what are the environmental stressors/adverse life event that that contribute to the the Mental health issues of adults with FASD?

76% of adults with FASD were victims of sexual/physical abuse or domestic violence

80% not raised by biological parents -> disruptive family experience

46% had drug/alcohol problems during adolescence


what does safety skills interventions entail? 

Computer-based intervention to improve street/fire safety

Practice skills in virtual world

Led to improved knowledge and behavior related to safety

this is important because children with FASD are at risk for injury related to impulsivity, poor judgement, cognitive difficulties


what are the damages to the organs in each trimester of drinking during pregnancy?

- First trimester: damage to developing organs (heart, ears, eyes, kidneys); damage to face/extremities

- Second trimester: increased risk of spontaneous abortion (i.e., miscarriage/stillbirth)

- Third trimester: greatest negative effect on height/weight