What is the normal Fetal heart rate?
fetal heart rate above 160
what is fetal tachycardia
V shaped deceleration
What is a variable deceleration?
change away from fetal heart rate baseline of 15 beats over 15 seconds
20 minute fetal heart rate tracing used to demonstrate fetal well being
What is a fetal non stress test
Fetal heart rate characteristic describing the amount of amplitude noted in the heart rate tracing
What is variability?
Fetal heart rate below 110
What is Fetal bradycardia
Deceleration caused by cord compression
What is a variable deceleration?
deceleration in the fetal heart rate where the nadir of the deceleration corresponds with the peak of the contraction.
What is an early deceleration
Fetal heart rate tracing with moderate variability and 2 accelerations
What is reactive?
Fetal heart rate tracing with variability of 0-5 beats of amplitude
What is minimal variability?
What is chorioamnionitis
What is a late deceleration?
What is an early deceleration?
variability required for a reactive NST
what is moderate?
Fetal heart rate tracing with variability of 5-25 beats of amplitude
What is moderate variability?
device required to calculate MVU
What is an internal Uterine pressure catheter?
deceleration resulting from uteroplacental insufficiency
what is a late deceleration?
a change in the fetal heart rate demonstrating fetal well being, usually expected during fetal movement
What is an acceleration?
Nursing intervention indicated in the context of Category II fetal heart rate tracing
What is position change?
Category of fetal heart rate tracing requiring immediate delivery
What is category III?
fetal heart rate monitor applied to the fetal scalp
What is the fetal scalp electrode?
deceleration in the fetal heart rate lasting 3 minutes
What is a prolonged deceleration?
Category of fetal heart rate requiring moderate variability and normal baseline
What is Category I?
Intervention which may be used to resolve variable decelerations
What is an amnioinfusion?