Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
As the wagon heads out of the city, Grandfather has a coughing fit. The farmer is worried that the old man might have what?
What is the fever.
While grandfather rests under a chestnut tree, what does Matilda decide to get first for Grandfather?
What is water. 
Why is Mattie frustrated with herself?
She is upset that she isn't being strong/brave enough for her Mom, Nathaniel Benson, and Grandfather.
Who is Stephen Girard?
Who is a "French merchant, an importer, and a banker" who has set the hospital right.
Where is Mattie moved to her for the final stages of her recovery?
What is the barn.

Grandfather review the three fundamentals of soldiering with Mattie. What are they? 

What is sturdy boots, a full stomach, and a good night's sleep.
After filling a canteen with water, what food does Mattie find to take back to her Grandfather?
What is raspberry bushes. 
Mattie uses what object to try to catch the fish?
What is her petticoat.
MAtilda learns that Brush Hill is what?
What is a mansion turned into a hospital for victims of yellow fever. 
Where does Grandfather keep himself busy and what is he doing there?
What is Rush Hill and he organizes the food deliveries; attends the committee meetings; and flirts with Mrs. Flagg.
What countryside town is Grandfather and Mattie escaping to?
What is Pembroke.
When Mattie returns to Grandfather, she believes that he has what?
What is "just a summer grippe".
Grandfather sends Mattie to find food and blankets from a farm. The first farmer she meets does what?
What is he shoos her away from his farmhouse, afraid that she has the fever. 
What method of treatment does Mrs. Flagg prefer?
What is bed rest (she opposed bloodletting).
Mattie begins to think what of Nathaniel?
What is that he may be painting flowers for the Peale girls by now.
The farmer on the carriage lies about two things what are they?
That the carriage is theirs and he picked up Grandfather and Mattie along the way. 
Grandfather starts blaming himself for their situation, calling himself a what?
What is a "stubborn old fool".
On Mattie's way back to Grandfather, what food does she find to take back to Grandfather?
What are pears from a pear tree.
How many days has Mattie been asleep? (How long have they been gone from Philadelphia?)
What is five days.
Why does Grandfather say Mattie will not go to an orphanage? 
What is, "No kin of min goes to an orphan house, not as long as I have breath in my body".
At the end of the chapter, the leader of the group tells Grandfather what?
What is that he must "take care of [his] own".
While calling himself a fool, what does Grandfather call Mattie?
What is "Captain".
What happens to Mattie at the end of the chapter as she heads back toward Grandfather?
What is she blacks out from heat and hunger exhaustion. 
When Grandfather returns to the coffeehouse, he suspects that Mom is where?
What is at the Ludingtons.
Grandfather makes what promise to Mrs. Flagg?
What is "to take to a ball one day".