Who is the main character?
¿Quién es el personaje principal?
Qui est le personnage principal ?
Who is Matilda?
Who was one of the individuals with the men?
¿Quién era uno de los individuos que estaban con los hombres?
Qui était l’un des individus qui accompagnaient les hommes ?
a doctor
un doctor
un médecin
These two things attracted many vicious insects that stung Mattie's arms and legs on the wagon ride out of town.
What are the baby's diapers and the intense heat?
Knowing Grandfather was probably very sick, Mattie used this old soldiering trick to find water to help him.
What was to locate willow trees?
Mattie and Grandfather were dumped from the wagon and stranded without these two things.
What were their clothes and the food Eliza had packed for them?
Who has a summer grippe?
¿Quién tiene gripe de verano?
Qui a une grippe estivale ?
Who is Grandfather?
Grandfather said he contracted what?
¿El abuelo dijo que contrajo qué?
Grand-père a dit qu'il avait contracté quoi ?
a summer grippe
una gripe de verano
une grippe estivale
Grandfather lectures these "lessons" once again to Mattie because he feels she must remember them.
What are "soldiering lessons"?
Mattie gathered what kind of fruit?
What are raspberries?
What else does Matilda find besides raspberries?
What is a stream?
Where is Mattie and Grandfather going?
Who are the Ludington's?
What did the farmer do to Matilda?
The farmer threw her onto the road.
These were the signs that Grandfather was starting to get sick on the wagon ride out of town.
What were his red face, sweating, coughing, and having to loosen the buttons on his jacket to breathe?
What does Mattie do after she makes sure Grandfather is sleeping?
Does she take a nap next to him?
What does Matilda do to find water in chapter 12?
Does she walk to the highest point and spots a willow tree?
Where are Matilda and Grandfather about to enter when they are stopped?
¿A dónde van a entrar Matilda y el abuelo cuando los detienen?
Où Matilda et Grand-Père s'apprêtent-ils à entrer lorsqu'ils sont arrêtés ?
What have the men been told they have to do?
keep out fever victims
Initially the four men on horseback who stopped the wagon were thought to be this...
Who are robbers?
Why does Matilda hope Grandfather just has a summer grippe?
Are they too far from the city with no food, water, or clothing?
What does Grandfather ask Matilda to do?
Is it sit close to him?
Matilda thought the men stopping them were ?
Matilda pensó que los hombres que los detenían eran...
Matilda pensait que les hommes qui les arrêtaient étaient ?
What does " we have to take care of our own" mean?
not taking care of people who are not our own
taking care of family, friends, loved ones no one outside of that group
The men from Pembroke had a doctor who stopped Grandfather and Matilda from continuing on their journey because of this.
What is because he thought Grandfather had yellow fever?
How does Matilda feel when she realizes Grandfather's eyes are not yellow in chapter 12?
What is relieved?